About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
Attacks Upon Robert E. Lee Statues Betray Historical Ignorance
The efforts to remove statues to Confederate General Robert E. Lee are yet another example of rampant historical ignorance. ...
Trump Campaign Mgr. Manafort’s Virginia Residence Raided by FBI
The raid on the home of Trump's campaign manager indicates that Special Counsel Mueller hopes to find something to prove a Trump-Russian collusion in last year's presidential campaign. ...
Washington Post Fact-checker Sides With Trump Aide in Immigration Debate
A CNN reporter recently attacked the Trump administration. That's not news, but the reaction of the Washington Post in siding more with a Trump administration official in the dispute...
What Will Barack Obama Day in Illinois Celebrate?
For Americans who believe in limited government, liberty, and fidelity to the Constitution, it is difficult to imagine what there could be about the presidency of Barack Obama to...
AMAC Calls on McCain to Keep His Promise to Repeal ObamaCare
The Association of Mature American Citizens feels betrayed by John McCain's vote to keep ObamaCare. McCain has sided with the Democrats again. It's almost to the point that this...
West Virginia Governor Latest Loss for Democratic Party
The Democrats have suffered yet another loss of a governorship, reducing their numbers to only 15 nationally. Can the Republicans take advantage of the Democrat disarray to push through...
HBO’s “Confederate” Series Creating Controversy From Two Directions
The upcoming "Confederate" series on HBO is catching flak, and deservedly so, from two directions. ...
Planned Parenthood President: Oppose Any Politician Who Does Not Favor Abortion
The leader of the nation's biggest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, declares support for abortion by politicians is "non-negotiable." ...
Mueller’s Role in Delivering Uranium to Russians Raises Questions
The cable unearthed by WikiLeaks raises doubts about the objectivity of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. ...
Are Worsening U.S.-Russian Relations a Victim of American Politics?
The congressional sanctions on the Russians are supposedly meant to damage Vladimir Putin. But what are the actual results? ...
Huckabee Calls for Repeal of 17th Amendment After ObamaCare Repeal Fails
To former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, the continuing failure of the Senate to repeal ObamaCare — as they promised they would — is a good reason to return the...
Despite Media Spin, Canaanite-Lebanese Study Doesn’t Disprove Bible
Predictably, some secular media sources have taken a DNA study, and attempted to argue it somehow disproves or contradicts the biblical account. It doesn't. ...
Graham Favors Law to Keep President From Firing Special Counsel
Senator Lindsey Graham wants legislation to protect the special counsel from termination. But who then will protect us from the special counsel? ...
Ken Ham Reclaims Rainbow at Ark Exhibit
The rainbow is a symbol of God's grace, and has been for thousands of years. Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis has decided it's time to reclaim the symbol...
What Is the Alternative as Public Schools Degenerate?
Public schools are more left-wing indoctrination centers than educational facilities — as test scores attest — so since the schools cannot be fixed, what should parents do? ...