About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
University President Challenges Political Correctness
Dr. Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, rebuked students for whining about having their ethics and beliefs tested. This book expands upon the theme. ...
Manager Disputes Claim That Roy Moore Was Banned From Mall
Despite allegations that Roy Moore was once banned from an Alabama shopping mall because of his supposed “trolling” for teenage girls, the mall's manager from 1981-1996 never heard anything...
Are Threats to Refuse to Seat Moore Unconstitutional?
The threat to refuse Roy Moore as senator from Alabama, should he win, is a serious threat to our republican form of government — regardless of what one thinks...
Accuser’s Yearbook at Issue in Roy Moore Case
Questions have been raised about the high-school yearbook used to make a case against Roy Moore, but the accuser's lawyer, Gloria Allred, is refusing to allow an independent analysis...
More Liberal Hypocrisy: Biden Believed Anita Hill Over Clarence Thomas, but Defended Bill Clinton
Joe Biden continues the libelous assault upon the character of Judge Clarence Thomas, illustrating that liberals are willing to distort the past in order to win "victories" in the...
Moore Disputes Latest Accusations As “All About Politics”
The latest accusation against Roy Moore has led him to dismiss it as all about politics. What are we to believe? ...
McCain Takes Different Positions on Moore and Kennedy Scandals
John McCain is ready for Judge Roy Moore to drop out of his Alabama U.S. Senate race, over a mere allegation. Yet he never made any public statement against...
Are Accusations Against Judge Moore Beginning to Unravel?
Ugly accusations have been raised by the Washington Post against a conservative Republican U.S. Senate candidate. But are there holes developing in the story? ...
Attack on Sen. Rand Paul Called “Serious Criminal Matter”
Is the attack upon Senator Rand Paul, after the earlier shooting of Congressman Scalise, the beginning of a dangerous trend against members of Congress who don't follow the left-wing...
Cruz Support for NAFTA Contradicts His “Passion” for National Sovereignty
If Senator Cruz truly has a "passion" for national sovereignty, then he needs to reverse his support for NAFTA. ...
Podesta Group Failed to Register as Agent for Russian Company
Just who has ties to the Russians is an important issue, and it now appears the more troubling "ties" are held by those who also have "ties" to the...
The Bolshevik Revolution — a Century of Blood
Whether they call themselves Bolsheviks, Khmer Rouge, or Viet Minh, communists use murder to gain power and keep it. ...
The Bolshevik Revolution After 100 Years
The Bolshevik Revolution was not the result of a popular uprising. A small minority of Russians, funded by wealthy “capitalists,” was able to exploit a turbulent political situation. ...
Reactions to Kelly Calling Lee “an Honorable Man” are Instructive
The reactions to General John Kelly’s remarks about Robert E. Lee are an example of how even the names of certain historical figures and remarks about historical events, can...
City of Charlottesville Blamed for August Violence
A report blaming Charlottesville's liberal city government for the tragic events of August 12 is correct, as far as it goes. ...