About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
Roy Moore Accuser Admits Yearbook Altered
In a day of dueling press conferences, Judge Roy Moore's accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, admitted that she had altered part of the yearbook inscription that she had used to...
Obama Left a Backlog of More Than a Half-million Illegal Aliens
The Trump administration inherited a huge backlog of illegal immigrant cases from the Obama administration. ...
Trump Respects Israel’s Sovereignty in Embassy Move to Jerusalem
President Trump's decision to move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, which Israel considers its capital, is a sign that he respects the sovereignty of other nations. ...
Why Should Tips Be Business of U.S. Government?
Who should decide tip policy — the government or the free market? ...
Dershowitz: Obstruction of Justice Charge Against Trump Would Create Constitutional Crisis
Former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz says Senator Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat, "doesn't know what she is talking about" with her assertions that President Trump has committed obstruction...
Aid to Ukraine Illustrates Dangers of U.S. Membership in NATO
Will military aid to Ukraine avoid war with Russia, or is a better solution for the U.S. to withdraw from NATO? ...
The Real Russia-gate
Many Americans associate the purported “Russia-gate” scandal with Trump. But the book "Comrade Obama Unmasked" shows that there is definitely a Russia-gate scandal involving Obama. ...
Black Lives Matter Says Boycott White Businesses to Resist “White Capitalism”
It is becoming increasingly clear that the real agenda of the leadership of Black Lives Matter has little to do with advancing the lives of black people. ...
Rep. Mo Brooks: Yearbook Inscription in Roy Moore Case Is Forgery
Mo Brooks, who ran against Roy Moore in the Republican Senate primary, believes Moore is telling the truth and that the yearbook inscription used in ugly accusation against him...
What Do New Tests on Proposed Location of Tomb of Jesus Prove?
Scientific tests appear to support the belief that the Emperor Constantine did indeed direct the building of a church over the site of what the Romans believed was the...
Mueller Record: Can He Be Trusted with Power?
Robert Mueller has been handed a great amount of power as the "independent counsel" investigating alleged Russian interference in the presidential election. Can he be trusted with that power?...
Latest Accusations Against Moore Illustrate Dangers of Mixing Politics And Allegations
The allegations against Moore are increasingly shrill and fantastic. Are the accusations real, or is our political process being corrupted? ...
Moore Campaign Challenges Corfman Accusations in Press Briefing
The Moore campaign has challenged key points of the charges of accuser Leigh Corfman, but the media has largely ignored this story. ...
Dershowitz: Mueller “Going Way Beyond His Authority”
Democrat Alan Dershowitz calls the actions of independent counsel Robert Mueller an example of prosecutorial over-reach. ...
NFL Player Sits for U.S., Stands for Mexican Anthem
Marshawn Lynch, an Oakland Raiders running back, apparently finds Mexico a country commanding greater respect than his own. ...