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Inside Track

Amazon Admits Employees Secretly Watched Ring Camera Customers  In a January 6 letter to U.S. senators, tech behemoth Amazon admitted that it has fired employees discovered to have been...

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Letters To The Editor

Wrong Kathy Called Out I agree with the commentary in the January 6, 2020 letter to editor from reader Dr. Adrian H. Krieg of Parrish, Florida. However, one mistake in that...

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Inside Track

Progressives Dreaming of a Warren/Sanders Ticket  With former Vice President Joe Biden still maintaining a lead in many polls, some of the more “progressive” elements of the Democratic Party...

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Letters To The Editor

Clinton’s Crimes Your excellent recent article on President Clinton’s transgressions and subsequent impeachment (“Clinton Impeachment: Should Treason Have Been the Reason?” December 9, 2019 issue) omitted an important fact....

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Inside Track

UN: America Cannot Avoid Paying Climate “Reparations”  Fresh on the heels of a warning that the United Nations may use force against countries defying its climate-change mandates, the world...

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Letters To The Editor

Government-caused Housing Problems For almost 30 years, I have lived in a very peaceful condominium-neighborhood where until recently there was no crime. Today, the same condominium-neighborhood is infested with...

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Inside Track

Massachusetts Town Looks to Lower Voting Age to 16  On November 21, the town of Brookline, Massachusetts, voted in a town meeting to seek approval from the state to...

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Letters to the Editor

Mortality Figures One of the TNA articles I found particularly interesting was the article on vaccines (“California’s Vaccination Mandate,” October 7 issue). The author indicates that the CDC is...

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Inside Track

Pro-Swedish Political Party Now Sweden’s Most Popular  In a historic shift, the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokrater, SD) has become its nation’s most popular party just nine years after first...

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Letters to the Editor

“Founded on Slavery”  It’s often said that America was “founded on slavery” — the implication being that whites are bad and blacks are owed something. Really? How many of...

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Inside Track

Study Shows High Cholesterol May Help You Live LONGER  A new analysis is turning diet doctrine on its head. As American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson reported October 25, “High cholesterol,...

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Letters to the Editor

Words Corrupting Society It has been observed that language is corrupted to attain a specific political end. By changing the meaning of words commonly used in the past to...

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Inside Track

FBI Report: Five Times More Murders With Knives Than Rifles  The FBI report entitled “2018: Crime in the United States,” released September 30, broke down murder by types of...

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Letters to the Editor

Not Much Power In The New American of March 4, 2019, the article entitled “The Renewable Energy Scam” criticizes the alleged “renewable energy” of solar and wind power from...

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Letters To The Editor

Venezuelan Socialism The images we see of what’s happening on the streets of Venezuela are heart-rending. I had supposed this type of chaos and destruction took many years —...

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