Sheldon Richman, Author at The New American - Page 4 of 6
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About: Sheldon Richman

Washington’s Budget Con Game

If the “fiscal cliff” controversy isn’t enough to convince you this government is one big fraud, what will it take? The budget mess was delivered to us by the...

Nullify the Drug War!

Thomas Jefferson said a revolution every 20 years would be a good thing. Regardless of what one thinks of that, perhaps a little constitutional crisis every now and then...

Petraeus Fell for the Wrong Reason

David Petraeus has fallen — but not as he should have. Before being disgraced by an extramarital affair, the retired four-star general and ex-CIA director should have been shamed...

Life without FEMA?

If you wonder what life would be like without a particular government agency, it is not enough simply to subtract the agency from a picture of our current world....

America’s Drone Terrorism

The NYU/Stanford study “Living Under Drones” goes beyond reporting estimates of the civilian casualties inflicted by the deadly and illegal U.S. campaign. It also documents the hell the Pakistanis...

Deeper in the Afghan Quagmire

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has designated the Haqqani network a terrorist organization. What is the Haqqani network? Wikipedia says that it "was nurtured by the U.S. Central Intelligence...

Medicare Is Doomed

When Democrats accuse Republicans of wanting to “end Medicare as we know it,” they are right. But Democrats do too. “Medicare as we know it” is no longer an...