About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Butter, Not Guns: New Jersey Suspends Second Amendment; Gets Sued
New Jersey officials have closed down gun stores during our Wuhan flu panic, calling them non-essential. Now two Garden State officials are being sued for trampling constitutional rights. ...
Are Americans, and Trump, being Manipulated With Chicken Little, Coronavirus Fears?
Does this coronavirus outbreak warrant infringing upon civil liberties, closing schools, creating a panic, and shutting down much of the economy? Some suggest we’re being manipulated. ...
Of Viruses and Verities: Is Shutting Down the Nation Over Covid-19 Making Us LESS Safe?
Some experts warn that the real Wuhan virus danger lies in the panic, and in particular in shutting down our economy. ...
Italy: The Real Reasons a Chinese Virus Is Ravaging a European People
Connections with China, an aged population, socialized medicine, and small personal space may explain why Italy could be ground zero for Wuhan virus mortality. ...
Woman Suing Clinic That Enabled Her “Gender Transition” at Age 16
Twenty-three-year-old Keira Bell is suing the clinic that facilitated her “gender transition,” calling her desires to “change” sex a teen a “fantasy” that should have been “challenged” by the...
Fredo vs. Mike? Cuomo Brothers Argue on LIVE TV About Who Is Mommy’s Favorite
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo interviewed his older brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, on the Wuhan virus, and the discussion devolved into a juvenile sibling-rivalry spat over who was...
Immigration Über Alles: As Coronavirus Halts Civilian Life, Refugee Resettlement CONTINUES
If you thought our immigrationist leaders would let a virus impede their demographic-change endeavors, think again. ...
Greece Battles Migrant Wave From Turkey With Giant Concrete Blocks on Border
It’s not exactly the Battle of Thermopylae. But Greece is again under siege, this time by Mideast migrants given free rein by the Turkish government. ...
Who Has Passed Away, and Where — and Other Realities From the Coronavirus Front Lines
New Rochelle, N.Y. — Living right next to New Rochelle, I was certainly struck when I heard it was the epicenter of Wuhan-virus infection in the United States. More...
Coronavirus: China “Is Threatening To Kill Us” — by Cutting Off Life-saving Drugs
China’s official news service and government mouthpiece has threatened to “ban exports to the United States” of medical products, which it said would cause us to “fall into the...
Americans Are Being FORCED to Train the Foreign Workers Who’ll REPLACE Them
It’s bad enough that Big Tech is swaying our elections and shifting votes, but it’s also shifting American jobs — to foreigners. There’s salt in this wound, too: The displaced...
Bloomberg’s $500 Million Ad Buy Equals $1 Million Per American?!
If prominent journalists can’t do simple math, how can they do complex political science? Some may thus wonder after MSNBC host Brian Williams and New York Times editor Mara...
Erasing the Sexes: Calif. Bill Would Fine Stores With “Boys” and “Girls” Departments
Sixty years ago we had the film Where the Boys Are. Now some people aren’t sure what the boys are, and the latest example is a California bill that...
Stupor Tuesday: Biden Burns Bernie as Democrat Race Confusion Continues
The Democrat nomination battle may now be a two-man race. ...
Was Chris Matthews Mainly Guilty of Opining While Old, White, Male, and “Unwoke”?
Chris Matthews’ “real sin, of course, was being old and unfashionable,” remarked Fox News host Tucker Carlson yesterday, after Matthews was driven out at MSNBC. If Carlson had added...