About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Fauci’s Folly? Disease Expert: Lifting Lockdowns Would “Exterminate” Coronavirus
Dr. Knut Wittkowski, the former longtime head of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at the Rockefeller University in New York City stated that lifting the lockdowns...
Higher COVID-19 Death Rate Among Blacks: How Will This Affect Policy?
Minorities such as blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately dying of the coronavirus, likely because large urban areas, where the virus spreads quickly, have higher concentrations of minorities. ...
Fake News: Associated Press Revises Coronavirus History to Hurt Trump
The Associated Press is manipulating the Wuhan virus pandemic timeline in order to damage President Trump. ...
Coronavirus: How NYC Health Officials Helped Kill the Country With Racial Politics and Lies
What do you think about a health commissioner who says that “even brief contact with the police or indirect exposure is associated with lasting harm to people’s physical and...
Judges Courting Condemnation
When judges act as legislators and literally create laws, it is no wonder that people with opposing viewpoints disagree. Judges are almost inviting threats. ...
Why Accepting Two Million COVID-19 Deaths May Be Better Than a National Lockdown
We’ve heard much during the Wuhan flu crisis about a “worst case scenario” of two million dead Americans, a staggering number. But what’s the worst case scenario of largely...
Why New Orleans’ Coronavirus Death Rate is 7 TIMES NYC’s
New York City may be considered the Wuhan virus’s current epicenter, with more than 57,159 people testing positive as of Friday morning. But the disease’s mortality epicenter just may...
Coronavirus: Gun Sales EXPLODE to 2.5 Million in March, Making Leftist Heads Explode
It isn’t only toilet paper manufacturers prospering in our virus-scare ravaged economy. Guns are also flying off the shelves as common people’s common sense tells them something PC government...
Coronavirus Follies: Dems Pushed Reusable Shopping Bags, Which SPREAD Disease
Some supermarkets are “banning” reusable bags and are providing paper or plastic ones gratis to protect employees and customers from the coronavirus. ...
Corona to Communism? NYC Mayor Threatens to PERMANENTLY Shut Down Churches
New York City mayor Bill de Blasio appears bent on trampling the First Amendment by threatening to shut down churches and other worship houses permanently. ...
NY Times: Trump-supporting, Christian “Science Denialists” Sending Us to “Coronavirus Hell”
A New York Times op-ed, “The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response,” illustrates how the media’s hostility to journalistic ethics is crippling our whole civilization....
Corona Con-man Cuomo? The N.Y. Governor’s Newfound, Phony Life Ethic
“My mother is not expendable, and your mother is not expendable,” said New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo at a recent news conference on the Wuhan coronavirus. “And our brothers...
Scared That Coronavirus-inspired Online Classes Will Expose Their Bias, College Profs Move to Hide Lectures
College professors are currently strategizing on how to hide their lectures from public view now that Wuhan virus-policy has forced a transition to online courses. ...
“Unwoke” Question: What Percent of Covid-19 Patients/Deaths Are Accounted for by Homeless?
What percentage of Wuhan virus hospitalizations and deaths are accounted for by the homeless? ...
Iranian “Experts”: Coronavirus May Be American “Ethnic Weapon” That Targets Iranians, Chinese
The Wuhan flu may be a bio-weapon, the latest theory goes — but not one that might have somehow escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Instead, the claim...