About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
As de Blasio Shuts Down Churches and Tramples Rights, He Lets Filthy NYC Subways Transmit Covid-19
New York City mayor Bill de Blasio has threatened to “permanently” shut down churches that dare hold worship services during the pandemic, his city’s subway cars are dirtier than...
Can We Disinfect the Media? Bleaching Out the Truth on Trump and COVID-19
“A lie can get halfway around the world while the Truth is putting its boots on,” goes the apocryphal saying. This was proven by the media, again, late last...
Cuomo to Lockdown Protesters: Don’t Like Poverty? Tough. Become “Essential”
New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo told anti-lockdown protesters that if they were upset about his putting them out of work, they should get jobs as “essential” workers. ...
Study: Lockdowns Save NO Lives. Are Politicians Destroying the Economy for NOTHING?
Once the initial premise that Wuhan coronavirus patients would overwhelm the healthcare system without lockdowns in place collapsed, politicians moved on to justifying the measures based on saving lives...
China Expert: Covid-19 Probably “Deliberate Leak”; Could Be “Act of War”
China expert Gordon Chang thinks the release of the coronavirus was either accidental, which he disputes, or deliberate, to gain a march on the United States. ...
Washington’s “Newest Justice Is a Black, Gay, Disabled, Lesbian Immigrant,” Boasts Slate
Grace Helen Whitener, “Washington State’s newest justice is a black, gay, disabled, lesbian immigrant,” tweeted left-wing website Slate on Sunday. ...
Facebook to Ban Anti-lockdown Organizers; Calls Their Posts “Misinformation”
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that posts and pages relating to the organization of protests against stay-at-home orders will be banned — as “misinformation.” ...
Anti-lockdown Organizer ARRESTED as Left-Right COVID-19 Divide Intensifies
Far from uniting America as 9/11 temporarily did, the Wuhan virus pandemic is further illustrating her profound political divide. In fact, as anti-lockdown protests arise across the nation, left-wing...
Healthcare Workers Give Cops Corona-Positive Patients’ Addresses; Judge Says the Infected Can be Arrested
In this time of The Virus, spreading faster than the disease are the restrictions and government trespasses designed to combat it. The latest examples are healthcare workers sharing Wuhan-flu-positive...
Left Targeting First Amendment With Lawsuit Over Fox News’s COVID-19 Coverage
While we’ve already seen First Amendment-exercise infringement during the Wuhan virus pandemic, a left-wing activist group now wants to make the trampling of rights official, with a lawsuit calling...
N.J. Governor Says Bill of Rights “Above My Pay Grade” When Asked About Lockdown Orders
Did we just learn that New Jersey governor Phil Murphy didn’t mean a word of the oath of office he took in 2018? Back then he “solemnly” swore to...
Scapegoated Over the Coronavirus, Blacks Suffer Persecution in China
Beijing claimed that President Trump’s China travel ban is “racist.” But racism is something the Chinese know a lot about. Just ask the black people living in China —...
Epidemiologist Michael Savage: Lockdowns “Ridiculous”; “Dr. Virus” Fauci Is a “Madman”
Radio giant Michael Savage, a trained epidemiologist, recently condemned Dr. Anthony Fauci as a “Nazi,” a “swamp creature,” and “snake in chief” who’s fatally mismanaging the Wuhan virus response....
Thug Released by Gov. Cuomo Over Covid-19 Concerns Viciously Robs Man
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered prisoners released over coronavirus concerns. One such released inmate has robbed and brutally beaten a middle-aged Bronx man. ...
Kevin Sorbo on Covid-19: Abortion Clinics Open While Churches Are Closed Reflects “Morbid” Culture
Your “rights are suspended” said a church-raiding cop to a Mississippi pastor at a service last week. And it didn’t matter that the people in attendance were listening to...