About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Charge: Liberal Pro-vaccination Official Faked “Threat” Made Against Her
A pro-vaccination Democrat official who said that teenagers could receive COVID vaccines without parental consent apparently faked a threat she claimed was designed to silence her. ...
Rage Against Nature: Social Engineers Are Telling Girls, “Learn to Code!”
New COVID-era art classes are designed to entice girls to do computer programming. ...
When Children Cancel Parents
“Woke” culture is affecting children to the point that they are turning against their own parents. Protecting children from such corruption is possible, however. ...
Let in “MILLIONS” of Refugees: Left Using Afghan Debacle to Change America’s Population
Liberals are calling for the importation of as many Afghans as possible — even millions. ...
NIH Director Admits: NO DATA on Masking Kids — but We’re Recommending it, Anyway
It used to be that men of science relied on, well, science, not just anecdotes. But the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has just admitted that...
On the Taliban, Femiban Leader Nancy Pelosi Is “Delusional”
Maybe House Speaker Nancy Pelosi can threaten the Taliban with cancellation if they don't embrace feminism. ...
Why Every Functional Society Needs Fear of God
How is it that we find fear of God’s wrath too unacceptably primitive but instinctively accept fear of government’s wrath as wholly necessary? ...
Afghanistan: The Fruits of Western Fancies and Fallacies
We should have heeded the words of our sixth president, John Quincy Adams, who said America “goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.” ...
My Troubling COVID Vaccine Story Experiences
I’d never intended to take the shot, but what I’ve learned via research and my anecdotal experience has only stiffened my resolve in that regard. ...
Food Fight: Can You Guess What the Left is Now Calling Racist?
It’s easy mocking cultural revolutionary insanity and laughing it off as day room, psychiatric institution behavior. But with the inmates now running the asylum and ensuring that our heroes,...
Tucker on Irish Study: Masking Kids is Not Good Medicine — “it’s Child Abuse”
An Irish study cited on Fox News Thursday night has found that it isn’t just that masking schoolchildren is useless — it’s actually dangerous to their health. ...
Black Mother Aghast to Discover Black School Principal’s Segregation Policy
Mary Lin Elementary School in Atlanta is segregating students based on race. ...
The Problem Isn’t That Biden is Defying the SCOTUS — It’s That He’s Defying the Constitution
The Biden administration’s CDC has extended the eviction moratorium, thumbing its nose at the law. It did this while acknowledging its action’s unconstitutionality. ...
Democrats Turning to Vote Fraud to Keep Newsom in Power
Leaders who don’t have to worry about elections can abuse power to their hearts’ content. California’s upcoming recall election may be another indicator of just how far down the...
“You Are Not a Chick!”: Spunky Vietnam Vet Locks Horns With Aggressive “Trans” Activist
78-year-old Vietnam veteran Don Sucher was confronted by a MUSS town councilman originally named Nathan Kennedy, but now going by “Tiesa Meskis,” at his Star Wars memorabilia store...