About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Report: “Trans” Children Are Being SEVERELY Injured by Puberty Blockers
Children who believe they’re “stuck in the body of the wrong sex” have often been treated with puberty blockers. ...
Kamala for Supreme Court? It COULD Happen
Democrats they may wish they could just send Kamala Harris to a convent. Since they can’t, however, they may instead send her to the Supreme Court. ...
Global Warmist Buzzkill: Arctic Ice Is Poised to be Its THICKEST in a Generation
In yet another refutation of the man-caused global-warming (AGW) narrative, Arctic ice is poised to be its thickest in a generation. ...
Mis(Thanks)givings: Mourning in America to the Holiday Haters
How did you enjoy your Thursday mourning? No, that’s not a typo, but exactly how some people today characterize our Thanksgiving observance. ...
Leftist Group Issues Its Number 666 and Finds There’s Hell to Pay
An average donation amount of $14.92 triggered the Women’s March donor base, prompting a satire-worthy but serious tweeted apology. ...
Waukesha Massacre, Courtesy of Your Friendly Neighborhood Democrats
Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm's "justice reform" has led to more crime, and he knew it would do so. ...
Not Just Kyle: MANY Armed Men Protected Kenosha Last August — and They Had an OBLIGATION To
Contrary to what mainstream media would have us believe, Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t a lone wolf “vigilante” who took the unheard of measure of arming himself in the midst of...
Unsaid: Joseph Rosenbaum Might Have Committed Suicide-by-Rittenhouse
Why would you chase and lunge at, or otherwise attack, a young man who’s carrying a semi-automatic rifle? This is what happened last August 25th in the Kyle Rittenhouse...
Archbishop Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a “WORLD WAR” Against the “New World Order”
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the Italian prelate well known for his criticism of Pope Francis and opposition to globalist schemes, issued Tuesday a dire warning and a powerful clarion...
Corona Task Force Insider Reveals: Fauci and Birx Knew NOTHING About COVID
Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Scott Atlas says Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx are incompetent bureaucrats who knew nothing about COVID. ...
Systemic Child Abuse: Giving Kids the Needle of Death
COVID-19 vaccines are now being pushed on children, who are more likely to be harmed by the vaccines than by the disease itself. ...
Hi-tech Muzzle: Woke Bot for Classrooms Sounds Offensive Alarm When Detecting Offensive Speech
An electronic thought-police bot going by the name “Themis” is designed to detect and interrupt “offensive” remarks. ...
“A Warning From the Grave” — About COVID Vaccines
It’s one thing hearing in the news about, let’s say, a car with supposed brake defects. But if you also began encountering people left and right who’d gotten into...
GOP Gubernatorial Candidate: Governors Can Trump Biden Admin’s Socialist Push
GOP gubernatorial candidate John Lee, a former Democrat,aims to unseat Nevada’s Democrat governor Steve Sisolak in the 2022 midterms. ...
The Branch COVIDians Cometh: The Psychology Behind Mass COVID Hysteria
Why do countless millions of people worldwide still, like a hive mind, obediently perform COVID Ritual over a disease that mortally threatens relatively few and is entirely treatable? ...