About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Stacey Abrams Repeats Pro-abortion Professors’ Fetal-heartbeat Fake Science
The woman some people in 2020 wanted to see a heartbeat away from the presidency has just claimed that six-week-old unborn babies with beating hearts don’t have a heartbeat....
Damning Video: Vanderbilt Medical Center Is Mutilating Kids for Money
The MUSS movement wouldn’t enjoy its success were it not for the complicity of establishment institutions, which likely wouldn’t be giving it the oxygen they do were they not...
Not Just Pronouns: Now “Trans” Activists Want to Control Your Bathroom Habits
It’s not enough for “transgender” activists to control how you speak with their pronoun prescriptions (e.g., ze, zir, zem). Now ze want to control your bathroom habits, too. Seriously....
Has “Gender Ideology” Revealed Media and Their So-called Experts as Fools?
“Some ideas are so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them,” observed George Orwell. Making it worse today is that intellectuals are in short supply (and perhaps always...
Bill Maher Slams Woke “Presentism” — Then Presents His Own Presentism
It’s no longer fashionable in the West to fancy your civilization superior and those beyond its borders “barbarians.” Yet this phenomenon has been replaced by another type of chauvinism...
Is Joe Biden the World’s Biggest Human Trafficker?
Who oversaw the movement of hundreds of thousands illegal aliens — tens of thousands via plane flights — into our country’s interior in just one year? It wasn’t the...
GOP Gov Nixes Woke Trans Rules: No More Forced Pronouns and Bathroom Madness in Schools
Virginia's Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin has reversed the policies of his Democratic predecessor and restored some sex-oriented normalcy in the state. ...
NIMBY in Martha’s Vineyard: Illegals for Thee — But Not for Me
It’s easy being idealistic when you don’t have to live with your ideals. Nothing has proven this truth better, perhaps, than Martha’s Vineyard residents’ and the wider Left’s reaction...
Defying Judge, Teacher Who Won’t Use “Gender-neutral” Pronouns Is Back in Jail
People don’t have pronouns — languages do. Despite this, laws have been made requiring people to use others’ “gender-neutral” pronouns, and transgressors in certain cases have gone to jail....
Midterm Machinations? Polls Once Again Underestimating GOP Support?
Errant political polls are nothing new, and one general pattern is that they tend to underestimate Republican support. There are many theories to explain this. ...
Killing Your Kid: Scientists Find That Covid Shots Are Up to 98 Times WORSE Than the Virus
It was last year already that a researcher predicted that for every child “saved” by the Covid “vaccines,” 117 would be killed by them. Such warnings not only fell...
Women vs. Men? Survey Finds That Voting “Gender” Gap May EXPLODE
A new survey of college students finds that the voting sex gap (VSG) may be reaching unprecedented proportions. ...
Democratic Pol Charged With Killing Journalist — Reporter Blames Trump
That Donald Trump, he’s something else. He couldn’t get too many Democrats to vote for him. But he can, apparently, compel them to kill. That’s according to a liberal...
Top Science Magazine Blames “Western Science” for “Two-sex Model”
Along with that old gray mare, science, well, ain’t what she used to be. Perhaps the latest example is that Scientific American, our country’s oldest continuously published science magazine...
How the Biden Regime Has Embraced Real Fascism
“They’re private companies; they can do whatever they want.” This sentiment has often been expressed by libertarians addressing complaints about Big Tech censorship. But here’s the question: Is GoogTwitFace...