About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Media Ignore Bank Records: “Biden Has Been Bought Off by the Chinese Communist Party”
Barack Obama once reportedly said of Joe Biden, the man he worked with for eight years, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” We can only imagine how...
Was Jesus a Socialist?
Many socialists will claim Jesus as one of their own, but an examination of His life and the movement He created reveals this to be fantasy. ...
China’s Thought Police in America? It May Already Be a Reality
With brain wearables — embedded into everyday technology like earbuds — being sold in our nation, China’s thought police may already be at work here. ...
The “Experts” Have Been Killing Us — and Their Reputations
Of course, we're only supposed to follow the science and the experts when they happen to agree with the powers-that-be. Yet many “experts” haven’t displayed much expertise. ...
Dem Politician Says DEI Is “God.” So Who Is Satan?
It could be said that if you don’t let God make your agenda, you just may make your agenda God. And it has been said that everyone has a...
Einstein They’re Not: City Officials Conned Into Signing Agreement With Fake Country
Officials in Newark, N.J., got scammed into signing a sister-city agreement with a country that doesn’t exist by a self-proclaimed “god-man” who’s on the run from the law. ...
Welsh Government Says Statues of “Old White Men” May Need to Be Destroyed
Wales has for virtually its entire history been a “white” land. Yet now Welshmen must dispense with their heroes and history in deference to relative newcomers. ...
SHOCKER: White ESPN Analyst Calls Out Black Colleague’s “Racism” — and Doesn’t Back Down
Sports network ESPN is notorious for its steroids-level wokeness. That’s why something occurring on its airwaves last week was so shocking: A white sports analyst criticized a black colleague...
Socialism Rising, With Bernie Sanders Leading the Charge
If socialists really want to change the world, they should start with the world they already govern: their own hearts and minds. ...
Younger Generations Turning Against Increased “Women’s Rights”
Gen Z and Millennials may be known for their leftist passions; some may not even be able to answer the question, “What is a woman?” Nonetheless, a majority are...
Ex-Bill Moyers Staffer: We Used Technical Magic to Make Our Leftist “Intellectual” Guests Sound Smart
The standard liberal line, smacking of arrogance but also projection, is that conservatives are dark, dorky, and, most significantly, dumb. Yet one somewhat-disheartened liberal has learned through personal experience...
Eric Adams Tells Stores NOT to Allow Masks at Entry: They Increase Crime
The face masks many Covid ritualists still wear may not filter out viruses too well, but they do stop authorities from filtering out different pathogens: criminals. So warned New...
You Can’t Eradicate “Transgender” People — Because They Don’t Exist
Fevered and fearful, or perhaps fearsome, media claimed that Daily Wire podcast host Michael Knowles said in a CPAC speech that “transgender” people should be “eradicated.” While he made...
Academia’s Feminocracy Is Real — and It’s Killing Education and Freedom
“The future is female,” the feminist rallying cry goes. If this is true, the future is “now” in academia, and if academia is any indication, the future is also...
The War on Normality: YouTuber Called “Ableist” for Curing Blindness
Being normal, in the sense of optimal, ain’t what it used to be. That is, almost universally recognized as ideal. In fact, a war on normality has long been...