About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Doctor’s First Question to 9-year-old: Do You Identify as a Boy, Girl, Gender Fluid?
Far too common today is child molestation, not of the body, but of the mind. ...
Child Labor Laws Loosening: Exploitation — or Enlightenment?
The youngest officer to command a vessel in U.S. naval history, it may shock most to learn, was 12-year-old David Farragut, who served as a prize master in 1812....
Foreign Cops in U.S.? Illinois Bill Would Make Noncitizens Police Officers
Welcome to the third millennium, where citizenship means a lot — most everywhere but the United States. ...
Millennials Are Moving Toward GOP, but How Much Are They Embracing Truth?
Are these voters actually embracing more Truth, or are they merely appearing to shift right because our frame of reference is shifting left? ...
Woke Rule: A Once-white Neighborhood Becoming White Again Is “Cannibalism”
It seems as if Archie Bunkers are everywhere today — only, their prejudice has gone woke. Bunker, the seasoned among us may know, was the famously amusing ’70s sitcom...
“Give YOUR ‘Stolen’ Land to Us Indians, Ben & Jerry’s,” Says Vermont Chief
Ben and Jerry's mentioned that Mount Rushmore should be “given back” to the Lakota. But now Ben & Jerry’s can test its commitment — because its headquarters also sits...
Woke Waistlines? Report: Army Exempts Trannies From Physical Fitness Standards
Perhaps it’s that a fat “trans” person identifying as in shape is small potatoes compared to identifying as the opposite sex in the first place. Whatever the case, it...
Discrimination Can Be Good or Bad, but Is It the State’s Business?
In the wake of the 303 Creative v. Elenis ruling, leftists are very upset. “The Supreme Court is giving people the right to discriminate!” they howl. “What’s happening to...
The Left Pretends Rightist Resistance Is Aggression
However, the Right's increased resistance is merely a reaction to the Left’s pursuit of a jump-the-shark, mental-institution-worthy version of social change. ...
France Burning: Is the Nation Moving Closer to the Civil War Warned About in 2017?
The French riots are clearly a "power struggle" between the West and "rage-filled migrants," the result of unchecked immigration. ...
Soak the Rich? Or Should Wealth-tax Advocates Soak Their Heads?
American statists want to copy Norway's wealth tax — which has caused that country's rich to take tens of billions of dollars out of that market. ...
Racial Quota for Social Security? Professor Claims SS Discriminates Against Blacks
According to Thomas LaVeist, the problem is that white people live longer than blacks, which allows them to collect benefits for a greater period of time. ...
Leftists Refuse to Debate Covid Vax (or Anything Else), but Have They Already LOST?
Pseudo-elites seek to avoid losses by simply avoiding the game. But, because the "controlled information" game has changed, it seems they have already lost. ...
Michigan LGBT-enabling Hate Crime Bill Would Criminalize Speech Based on FEELINGS
Many American statists have long desired European-like “hate speech” law, which can be used to stifle anti-establishment dissent. A bill that recently passed the Michigan House of Representatives could...
Quarantined News: 4 Kids Rescued From “Trans” Party; Drugs, Sex Toys, and a Dead Body Found
The four children were hidden from first responders by a man in a wig claiming to be their father. ...