About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Who Will Choose the Next President? Maybe the INTEL Agencies, Says Ex-CIA Analyst
Is ours still a government of, by, and for the people? Don’t bet on it, says the smart money fiat currency, if an ex-CIA analyst’s warning is any guide....
Guns, Guns, Everywhere — but How Violent Is the U.S., Really?
Here’s some food for thought: There are more than 393 million firearms in the United States. Americans have been buying in excess of one million guns per month for...
As Christians Are Slaughtered “for Sport,” Biden Says Nothing
The Hamas terrorist massacre on October 7 in Israel has been big news. Understandably, too. Yet thousands of Christians have also been killed for their faith just this year,...
Anti-humans Are on the March — and They Want You GONE
After it was asserted that cow flatulence contributes to “global warming,” some greentopians concluded that all animal agriculture should be ended; this, of course, means eliminating most of the...
Is Gen Z Next-level Neurotic? Their Latest Fear: Menu Anxiety (Seriously!)
Every generation in every place has its perils. There was the fall of Rome in 476; the medieval Black Death; the ninth-century Viking occupation of England; and, generally, continual...
The “Great Sort”: Is the U.S. Slowly, but Surely, Breaking Apart?
In the run-up to an election, we so often hear people of a certain political persuasion swear that if ______ (fill in the blank) wins the presidency, they’ll leave...
Purple-haired Progressives to Pious Muslims? Some SJWs Are Intrigued With Islam
What might explain this? Being devoid of moral principle and lacking in virtue — but still being social creatures as humans will be — modern young are seduced by...
Killing Wokeness: A City Canceled “Pride,” Black History, and Women’s History Months — in California!
The city council of Huntington Beach, California, vowing to keep the city government “free of any identity politics and political agendas,” has voted to eliminate “Pride,” black history, and...
Christmas Present? Oklahoma Schools Nix Drag Queens and DEI; Welcome Jesus Back
Following a story yesterday about English authorities pushing back against “trans” radicalism in their schools comes another example of reasonableness rising against risible radicalism: Oklahoma is saying no to...
Shocking New Poll Points to Reality of MASSIVE 2020 Vote Fraud
The mainstream media love talking about polls, especially those showing support for their favored candidates and agendas. We hear about who’s up, who’s down, what’s hip, what brings a...
Rainbow Worm Turning? School Guidance: Presume Kids CAN’T Change “Gender”
New guidance for English schools, scheduled to be published Tuesday, reportedly will dial back on the imposition of some of the MUSS agenda’s most radical dictates. ...
Number of “Excess” Americans Dying Young Now Exceeds ALL Post-Vietnam War Losses
“I’d describe it as catastrophic.” So said Food and Drug Administration commissioner Robert Califf in a recent series of tweets about a troubling but ignored problem: the major decline...
Muslim Teens Beating Up Santa Claus Shout “This Is Our Country!”
Is Santa Claus soon only going to be safe at the North Pole — that is, unless that icy region, too, is strengthened with diversity? One could draw this...
Leninthink: To Today’s Left “Free Speech” Is Ploy, Not Principle
Vladimir Lenin, author of the Russian Revolution, once told a colleague that “yes, we are contradicting what we said before” — as The New Criterion paraphrased it in 2019...
Youths With Conservative Parents FAR Less Likely to Have Mental Problems: Study
We’ve heard stories about children “canceling” their conservative parents, cutting all ties with them over objections to their politics. But they should actually be thankful for their traditionalist elders...