Selwyn Duke, Author at The New American - Page 193 of 205
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About: Selwyn Duke

Selwyn Duke

Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.

The Composite President

If you cast a ballot for Barack Obama, is it possible to know what you're voting for? Upon digging into the president's personal history,  everything about Obama seems a...

The Truth About Homosexuality

Is homosexuality really biologically induced? And, if it were, what would this mean for its morality? The operative principle here is simple: Biology doesn’t determine morality. ...

Title IX for Thee but Not for a He

Our social engineers preach fairness but practice favoritism. Case in point: Thirteen-year-old Keeling Pilaro, of  Suffolk County, New York, is being denied the right to compete in sports based solely on sex....