About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Maine’s Mysterious Black Voters
There are endless “anecdotes” from the last election “that prove nothing about vote fraud,” as the critics put it. And one that would be comical, were this not a...
What Do We Have to be Thankful for?
Christianity teaches that since we’re all sinners, we actually deserve damnation. Yet its message is also that we won’t get what we deserve because God sacrificed for our sins...
Shameless Judges Strike Down Michigan Affirmative-action Ban
In striking down the Michigan affirmative-action ban, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is engaging in judicial activism, which is born of the same mentality that gives us...
In Defense of Price Gouging
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, there has been much talk about price gouging. New Jersey is prosecuting some who engaged in it, and pundit Bill O’Reilly has threatened...
Where Obama Was 99-Percent Pure
What does it mean when a candidate gets 99 percent of the vote? It means you're either in 1930s Germany, a banana republic, or some neighborhoods in the United...
Barack Obama: Anatomy of an Ideologue
If we focus on whether a given candidate is bent on doing what we consider evil, others, knowing the truth that people virtually always intend to do “good,” may...
Should Sandy’s Victims Get Your Tax Money?
How can we characterize government disaster aid? Well, we now complain about a crony capitalism through which Uncle Sam “picks winners and losers,” but what do the feds do...
When 16-year-olds Can Vote
A desire to extend suffrage to younger adolescents is nothing new. A few nations have already made the move, and approximately half of U.S. states allow 17-year-olds to vote...
If 51 Percent of the Congress Were Women…
Why accept contraception as a women’s issue? After all, there’s male contraception, too, and any insurance plan that didn’t cover birth control for women wouldn’t cover it for men,...
Obama the Classless
Barack Obama recently called Mitt Romney a bull******* in an interview. This, of course, tells us more about Obama than it does about Romney. But what does it say...
Obama Gets Endorsement of Voting Machine in N.C.
Are electronic voting machines really a good idea? Sure, after the 2000 election, with its hanging chads and Florida early-bird-special voters who couldn’t distinguish between Pat Buchanan and Al...
Election 2012: Sound Bites vs. Reality
Any good advertising man knows that a catchy slogan is worth a thousand words. A lot more customers are won by “Coke is It!” or “Just Do It” than...
Study: Women Have Trouble Handling Bad News
According to recent research, women feel far more anxiety after reading negative news stories than men do. Is this phenomenon real? And, if so, can it be explained based...
Will Vote Fraud Win the Election for Obama?
As someone who thinks the president is the kind of man who lights up a room when he leaves it, I assuredly take no pleasure in predicting that Obama...
Enough Already with the Women-Get-Paid-Less Nonsense
It’s sadly the case that modern men are afraid to tell women the truth. Especially when those men are running for office and want the women’s vote. And the...