About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Killer Dorner’s Supporters Are Par for the Left’s Course
The support that murdering fugitive Christopher Dorner is receiving from the left is a good example of the fact that modern liberalism is moral dysfunction. ...
The Most Interesting Career: Housewife
On the heels of my recent article on women in combat, in which I defend traditionalism, it’s perhaps a good time to also take up the cudgels for that...
Women in Combat: Battling Nature, Battering Reality
Should we accept any social norm that discourages the cultivation of a sex’s respective qualities or serves to masculinize women or feminize men? If warfare isn’t a masculine endeavor,...
Is Man a Plague Upon the Earth?
Naturalist David Attenborough recently said that man was a plague upon the Earth, a common belief among Gaia-worshipping atheists. But is this perspective the fruit of a well-formed conscience...
Joe Biden: No Reason to Ban AR-15s
Okay, half-slow laughin’ Joe didn’t actually say that, but he might as well have. While defending his position this past Thursday that banning the rifles incorrectly called “assault weapons”...
The Ignorance of Anti-human David Attenborough
Liberal icon Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said, “You’re entitled to your own opinions, but you’re not entitled to your own facts.” But that was decades ago, and today more...
Ten Piers Morgan Gun Lies, Untruths, and Deceptions
It’s probably not quite true that gun-control advocate Piers Morgan has been “standing on the graves of the children of Sandy Hook,” as Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro put it....
When Kids and Guns Mix
What happens when kids and guns mix? Well, kids and their guns have sometimes been mixing it up with criminals — and coming out on top. But neither kids...
When Teachers Aren’t Smarter Than a Fifth-grader
When I’ve written about our listing mis-education system, my focus has mainly been on rampant political correctness, on how students learn few of the right things partially because of...
Bank of America Freezing Gun Manufacturer’s Accounts
You might think that a professional outfit such as Bank of America operated based on stated policy and not caprice. But not according to owner of American Spirit Arms...
Obama Supporters are Shocked, SHOCKED, I Tell You …
My mother always used to say “Life is the best teacher.” Sure is — and sometimes it smacks you right upside the head. It appears this has happened with...
American Suckers
Balkanization greatly imperils the United States. If we won’t be an American family and defend it, other families (nations) certainly won’t do so. They will in fact hold us...
Six-year-old Suspended for Firing Assault Finger
If you want to know why we’re breeding some crazy youngsters nowadays, you only have to look at the adults surrounding them. A case in point is a Maryland...
Vote-stealing Dem Pleads Guilty to Beating up Girlfriend
If you’re a Democrat operative forced to resign for facilitating vote fraud, what do you do for a follow-up? If you said brutally attack your girlfriend, cracking her skull,...
The Left Shows Its True, Violent Colors
Liberal commentator Donald Kaul recently wrote that he had no problem with guns being pried from their owners’ “cold, dead hands” and that Republican leaders should be dragged around...