About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
The War on Men’s Wages
Now Hollywood is taking a beating for paying men more than women. But is conservatives' effort to hoist Tinseltown on its own petards harming America? ...
Westerners in Wonderland and the Death of Reality
Westerners are willing to deny such things as someone’s gender or the consequences of unending increases in national debt, but all available evidence reveals the truth. ...
Elitist Left Shocked to Learn Poor People Like Junk Food
Take the junk food and hold the Obama? The First Lady may believe oppression causes "food deserts," but it turns out that many inner-city people would just rather have...
Trader Joe’s Need Not Apply: Would Attract Too Many Whites
When the oppressed keep out the non-oppressed and keep their neighborhood depressed, who are the real oppressors? ...
Immigration and National Survival
A discussion of immigration today is nothing less than a debate about what your nation is going to be tomorrow. Will it be relegated to the history books like...
Judge Says Boys Claiming Girlhood May Use Girls’ Restroom
Boys will be boys — except when they insist they're girls. So says Maine's highest court in ruling that boys who are trying to live as girls must be...
Putin is Right About America
As perhaps history’s most famous atheist, Friedrich Nietzsche understood that the death of Christian morality would usher in moral relativism and social breakdown. This truth is now largely ignored...
Why Is the SPLC Trying to Crush a Small Jewish Organization?
The Southern Poverty Law Center is suing JONAH International, a Jewish organization that helps people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction. ...
Andrew Cuomo: An Extreme Statement From an Extreme Man
Governor Andrew Cuomo recently said that "extreme conservatives" had no place in New York. But what is true extremism and who are the true extremists? And would we rather...
Ducking the Real Issue on Duck Dynasty
After A&E network shunned Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson for condemning homosexuality, fan furor caused the network to back down. Conservatives are celebrating. They shouldn’t. ...
Thus Spake the Potheads
It’s starting to appear as if marijuana users have become the "homosexual lobby" of the chemically dependent. ...
Forget Christie; Let’s Talk About Big Fat Traffic Jams
The real road scandal in N.Y. and N.J. involves government-authored traffic jams that neither Gov. Christie nor Gov. Andrew Cuomo seem to care a whit about. ...
Feminism’s War on Women
When decades ago feminists promised to liberate women, they didn’t say it would be liberation from morality. But the movement that once protested the viewing of females as sex...
Influential Beats: The Cultural Impact of Music
Music can have a powerful influence on people, enhancing feelings of competitiveness, romance, isolation, hate, or patriotism. It can even help make or break a culture. ...
The Genocide of Dead White Males
In seeking to destroy Western civilization in the names of diversity and equality, the cultural revolutionaries are destroying civilization itself. ...