About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Palefaces Skinning the Redskins
With 90 percent of American Indians approving of the Washington Redskins' name, who is it that really wants it scrapped? It seems as if the politically correct palefaces have...
Hillary Clinton: Vulgar Defender of a Child Rapist?
The Benghazi fiasco had an increasing number of people asking whether Hillary Clinton really is presidential material. Now two more scandals threaten her 2016 presidential ambitions. ...
Will the U.S. One Day Force Same-sex “Marriage” on the Church?
Perhaps you haven't heard. If you take a position that has been the default for 2000 years, a position most of the world subscribes to today, you're intolerant, a...
The Obama Birth Dearth: Why Are People Having Fewer Kids?
Call it the Obama birth dearth. While the immigrant-fueled birthrate of the United States had recently been fairly robust, it has now dropped below replacement level. Demographers are unsure...
Inside Track
The Pentagon believes "consensus" claims that the climate will be warming and is devising military strategies based on these claims. But is our military going to be like Admiral...
Elliot Rodger: A Killer’s Journey From Hollywood to Hell
On the surface, Elliot Rodger had it all. The son of a Hollywood director, he lived a life of opulence and opportunity, able to attend private schools, receiving VIP...
The Marxist Attack on Kids’ Competition
The attack on competition in America doesn't just hurt the winners — it hurts the losers, too. And if this attack isn't halted, it will transform all of America...
A Question for Those Who Believe in Homosexual Scouts
The truth is that virtually all who advocate openly homosexual scoutmasters operate with a certain bias — they just don’t realize it. ...
White Vacationers Attacked by Black Mob
An attack on a white family in Savannah, Georgia, is just one of the latest in a spate of black-on-white crimes that go largely unreported. They are the "hate...
How Demagogues Con People
How do you know you’re being had by a slick politician? When they use only short, catchy slogans and repeat them often. Sound familiar? ...
Are “Killer Robots” in Our Future?
Will real-life Terminators soon roam modern battlefields? Killer robots don’t currently exist, but whether they should be developed and the implications of such technology are the subjects of a...
Insurance Costs Cause Cancellation of Violent, Anti-Christian Arab Festival
A large Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan, has been cancelled for the second straight year because of high insurance costs resulting from attacks on Christians during the event. ...
The Happy Executioner Who Filmed Her Own Abortion
Women who have abortions usually want to put the experience behind them, tucking the memory away in the recesses of their minds. But not Emily Letts. The 25-year-old former...
Will Microchip Implants in Humans Become Mandatory?
Whether you call it a miraculous technological breakthrough or the mark of the beast, many scientists believe the day is coming when microchip implants will be necessary to buy,...
The Liberal Media’s Donald Sterling Race-baiting
Most of the lib outrage over “racism” is, when not downright phony, motivated by selectively triggered emotion. It’s a ploy used to tear down tradition and traditionalists on specious...