About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Ferguson: The Killing of Cops — and Other Footnotes in History
While the Michael Brown death has become a federal case, police officers and other "media expendables" who are murdered every week become footnotes. ...
Ferguson Shooting Shock: Witness Unwittingly Captured on Audio Corroborates Police Story
The media have portrayed Ferguson teen Michael Brown as a hapless shooting victim of racially motivated police, but newly revealed eyewitness audio refutes that narrative and indicates that Brown...
Mother Drowned Two Newborns to Save Money on Abortion
Recognizing the false distinction between abortion and killing a newborn baby, more and more women are cutting out the middleman and monetary expense and are choosing to make their...
Scientists: Huge Life-ending, Gravity-defying Asteroid Hurtling toward Earth
A huge asteroid that could wipe out human life is heading for our planet. And it's just one of more than a half million near-Earth objects in our solar...
How Facebook Can Manipulate the November Election
Critics say that Facebook has become a political network that is blocking Republican activism and that it may use social-network manipulation to turn out the vote for liberal candidates...
U.S. Media: Only Republican Scandals Need Apply
By selectively applying journalistic reporting standards, the media quite successfully beats the drum of Republican scandal while suppressing news that would damage Democrats. ...
Robin Williams: Death of a Funny Sad Man
“There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt,” said columnist Erma Bombeck. On Monday, comedian and Golden Globe, Emmy, Grammy, and...
Libertarian Folly: Why Everybody Is a Social-issues Voter
Many voters say that the government should not legislate "moral" issues, but in reality all laws are about moral issues, either imposing morality or immorality. ...
Google’s War on Guns
Google has announced that, starting in September, it will ban advertising of firearms, ammunition, and gun paraphernalia. The reason? The company says it doesn't "allow the promotion of some...
Government to Doctors: Mention Illegal Aliens’ Diseases, Go to Jail
The allegations are shocking: A government-contracted security force is threatening to arrest medical personnel at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, if they reveal information about the...
Breaking Thad: Cochran Campaign Accused of Illegal Vote-buying
In the wake of revelations that Senator Thad Cochran’s June 24 primary runoff victory over Chris McDaniel was cemented with vicious race-baiting radio ads and illegal Democrat cross-over voting...
Thad Cochran and Mississippi Election Burning
A recent study found that Mississippi is the most corrupt state in the union. Now revelations about race-baiting, voting irregularities, and other violations of election law relating to the...
Sheriff Arpaio: “Close” to Finding Obama Birth Certificate Forger
In a recent interview, Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio made news by claiming that he’s close to discovering who forged Barack Obama’s birth certificate. These findings and others...
Global-warming Hoax Unraveling — Someone Tell Obama
The global-warming agenda is increasingly being revealed for the scam it is. ...
School Blocks Conservative Websites — but Not Liberal Ones
A school in Connecticut was found to be blocking conservative and Christian websites — but not corresponding liberal and non-Christian ones. And despite being notified, officials have thus far...