About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Many Environmentalists Have Dark Personality Traits, Study Finds
A new study has found that the old conservative-embraced stereotype of the well-meaning but naive liberal may not be correct. That is, the “well-meaning” part. This latest research was...
Expecting Workplace Professionalism From Blacks Is Oppression, Say “Experts”
It has already been said that qualities such as punctuality and industriousness are “white norms” that shouldn’t be expected of black students. Now here’s another entry for the “How...
The Feminist Flay: The WAR Between Gen Z Men and Women — Over Politics
If men are from Mars and women, Venus, as the famous book put it, then Venus is quite like California and Mars closer to Montana. This is more true...
Russell Brand: Liberals Secretly HATE the Working Class
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, English comedian, actor, and activist Russell Brand said that leftists absolutely despise the people they sometimes claim to champion: the working class. ...
Creeping Communism? American Psychological Association Study: Merit-based Hiring Is UNFAIR
As if Harvard’s problem with quota-hire plagiarists, United Airlines’ vow to prioritize “diversity” when retaining pilots, and today’s prevalent affirmative-action mentality aren’t enough, now there’s this: The American Psychological...
Beautiful Female Chess Player Wants to Checkmate Reality
If anything epitomizes our time, it just might be the image of a person shaking his fist at the heavens and screaming about the unfairness of it all. “How...
Lawfare to Bankrupt and Silence Critics? That May Be This Climate Alarmist’s Strategy
Imagine this scenario: Someone sues you for defamation even though he may not think he can win. But that doesn’t matter. After all, someone else, with deep pockets, is...
Gen Z Is More Likely to be “LGBTQ” Than Republican or “White Christians”
“It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds cannot be free,” observed Anglo-Irish philosopher Edmund Burke. “Their passions forge their fetters.” In light...
Media Manipulation: Is Anti-communism Now Just Another Un-woke Prejudice?
If a group that murdered 100 million people in less than a century can’t be described as villainous, what can? This question could be asked now that entertainment website...
Really, Commissar? 89% of “Educated Elites” Want Strict Rationing of Gas, Meat, and Electricity
“Do you know what a Polish sandwich looks like?” a communist-era joke went. Answer: “Two slices of bread and a ration card for the meat in between.” Unfortunately, Poles...
Ex-intel Chief: “Europe Will Succumb to Islam” — Thanks to “Elites’” Plan
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe — without swords, without guns, without conquest — will turn it...
While Defending Black Teen’s “Hair” Punishment, School Official Uses Dirty Word: CONFORMITY
Perhaps he could have known the word would be seized upon. After all, with the term’s opposite, “diversity,” being treated by so many today as a theological principle bestowed...
Dem State Bag Ban Backfires: Makes Bag-plastic Use INCREASE 300%
A bad analyst observes only what can be seen; a good analyst observes what can be seen, and what must be foreseen. If New Jersey’s leaders had been mindful...
In Your Face, Cancel Culture! Newly Elected School Board Reinstates Indian Mascot
A school board in Pennsylvania has canceled cancel culture by reinstating its district’s Indian mascot a mere month after five new members were elected to the board by campaigning...
Stereotyping? Disabled Actor: Disabled Performers Should Get “Normal” Roles
When legendary wrestler Andre the Giant played in movies, he never complained about being limited to portraying, well, giants (he got to play Sasquatch, too). When you’re 7’2” and...