About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Racial Bias: Police More Willing to Shoot Whites, Study Shows
Was "the talk" that New York City mayor Bill de Blasio gave his black son the right one? Because, contrary to media myth, a scientific study indicates that police...
The Bad Christian and the Good Secularist
“If not for my faith, I would be barely human.” That was the answer English writer Evelyn Waugh gave when asked, as all Christians will be at some point,...
White Man With Pellet Gun Shot Dead by Cops; Media Silent
White is right in activists’ book. That is, the right color to ignore when it comes to stories of people shot by police. ...
Freedom Burning: Censorship and Submission in Islam’s Name
With freedom of speech and religion under attack, it is becoming clear that from Stockholm in the Baltic to Tamworth near the Tasman Sea, an iron burka has descended...
Obama Advisor Gruber in 2009: ObamaCare Unaffordable, Rationing (a.k.a. Death Panels) Inevitable
It has been revealed that ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted in 2009 that the bill lacked cost controls and that, inevitably, certain individuals would have to be denied care...
“Everything is Awesome” in America? So Says Liberal Writer
Using manipulated economic numbers, a liberal writer makes the case that the Obama economy is robust. ...
Mary was Raped? The Leftist Christmas Grinches Are at It Again
It’s bad enough when a Muslim cleric states that saying “Merry Christmas” is worse than “killing someone.” Now we have people born into the Christian tradition who say that...
Tolerance Police: Churches Should Sing Islamic Songs at Christmastime
Some German politicians and religious leaders are recommending that Muslim songs be sung in Christian churches — during Christmas services. ...
Two NYC Cops Assassinated in Garner-Brown Revenge Attack: The Price of Lies?
Protesters who called for the death of cops just over a week ago have now, sadly, gotten their wish: Two NYC police officers were shot dead Saturday — execution...
Cop: We Need Military Equipment Because of “Constitutionalists”
“We’ve got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.” So said a Washington state sheriff's deputy, explaining why his department needed military-grade equipment. ...
Michael Brown in the Classroom: The Schools Where Truth Doesn’t Matter
From an elementary school that had second-graders protest the Ferguson grand-jury decision to law schools that diminish the rule of law, truth is taking a back seat to race...
“Boy Genius” Investor’s Real Skill? Lying — Never Really Made $72 Million
It was a reporter’s dream story and every young man’s dream: A New York City schoolboy made $72 million trading stocks during his lunch breaks. But it turned out...
Abortion Doctor Arrested — After Not Killing Babies
The women were granted “abortions" — but they weren’t really pregnant. And now the abortionist some call the Kermit Gosnell of Oklahoma may finally be out of business. ...
Christian With Christian Message Refused Service by 13 Pro-homosexual Bakers
In a baker’s dozen of discrimination, a Christian went to 13 pro-homosexual bakeries and requested a cake with a Christian message — and was refused service every time. ...
Rape and the Attack of the “Man-hating Media”
The "man-hating media" makes fairness and justice for those accused of rape virtually impossible. ...