About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Crazy on Campus: U.S. Colleges — Where Truth Is Always Stranger Than Fiction
While George Orwell once said, “There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them,” even he might be surprised at what passes for scholarship at...
Charge: Police “Steal” $100,000-worth of Legal Guns and Ammo From Citizen
Police officers seize firearms and ammo from a man who was guilty of nothing but getting into a loud argument — and now they refuse to return his property....
N.Y. Times Practically Invented No-go-zone Story, but Fox Is Threatened With Suit
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo threatened to sue Fox News for reporting on her city's Muslim-dominated "no-go zones." But if litigation is her wont, she ought to start with the...
U.K. Christian School to be Shut Down After Gov’t Brands Students “Bigots”
Government officials in Britain may ask a school's students what Muslims and lesbians are. And watch out if they don't get the "right" answers — because it could mean...
State Persecuting 88-year-old Doctor Who Treats Poor From His Car
There's a good Mississippi doctor who will see you no matter who you are, where you are, or how much money you have — and his state’s medical board...
Shut-up, White Boy! Professors: White Men Should Speak Last
An all-female university panel of professors and activists has an idea for combating "sexism" and "racism": Make sure that women and blacks speak first in classroom discussions. ...
Punishing Success: Basketball Coach Suspended for Beating Opponents Too Badly
Call it athletics Marxism: In line with the growing trend toward "no-score" sports, a high-school girls’ basketball coach has just been suspended for achieving a resounding victory. ...
State Seizes Seven Children — Because Parents Had Legal Mineral Supplement
The treatment is called Miracle Mineral Solution, and one couple that bought it learned that a miracle is necessary today — to keep the government out of your life....
Duck and No Cover: Brit Media Scared to Show Charlie Hebdo Cover
Scared into censorship: A news outlet suddenly cut the video feed of a journalist complaining about the media’s refusal to show the recent Charlie Hebdo cover — because the...
Ex-FBI Agent Calls Eric Holder “Coward” and “Hypocrite” in Stunning Letter
A former FBI special agent has penned a damning open letter to Eric Holder in which he states to the attorney general, you "have sacrificed your integrity on the...
PEGIDA, Le Pen, Fascism, and Media Ignorance
When the media don't even understand basic political terminology, it raises a question: How can the electorate be informed when the purveyors of information are uninformed themselves? ...
Patriotic Movements on the Rise: The Anti-Islamist Worm Turns as Europe Burns
The immigration model balkanizing the West was designed, as a leftist admitted in 2009, “to rub the Right's nose in diversity.” But the recent Muslim-jihadist attack in Paris is...
State to Teenager: Undergo Chemotherapy — or Else
“My body, my choice!” may be a well-known rallying cry, but, increasingly, outside the realm of abortion it goes out the window. And the latest attack on this front...
The Deadly Paris Terror Attack and the Myth of Religion
There is a huge problem with “religion.” But it’s not what you think. ...
Fire Chief Sacked for Writing Book With Christian View of Homosexuality
The Atlanta government may not yet be burning books, but they sure burned a man who wrote one. The Georgia city’s mayor, Kasim Reed, announced Tuesday that he had...