About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Politico Journo Calls “Rights Come From God” a “Christian Nationalist” Belief
“We hold these truths to be self-evident; all men and women created by…go…you know, you know the thing,” said Joe Biden in 2020. We don’t know if his inability...
New Study Debunks “Trans” Theory: “Transitioning” Kids Does NOT Save Lives
“Would you rather have a living son or dead daughter?” This question, often asked marketing-style of parents whose child desires so-called gender reassignment procedures, is not just unethical, says...
Do Gun “Buybacks” Do More Harm Than Good?
About a quarter century ago, there was a feel-good story about Colorado schoolchildren who’d raised approximately $35,000 to “buy the freedom” of 601 Sudanese slaves. The intentions were surely...
Black Gubernatorial Candidate Calls for Reparations — From Blacks!
We don’t know if, as late black economist Professor Walter Williams would occasionally quip, he’s “black by popular demand,” but Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R-N.C.) sure is getting attention....
Glass Houses? Dem House Whip Says GOP Gun “Extremism” Is Killing People
“GOP extremism is marring the soul of the American people,” wrote Representative Katherine Clark of Massachusetts in a Wednesday tweet. Clark, Congress’ Democratic whip, was announcing that she’d visited...
The Pfizer Law? Statists Now Aim to Arrest People Who Reject “Medical Knowledge”
“Consensus is the business of politics,” said late author Michael Crichton in 2003. “Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right.” While true, being...
Gaslighting: To Help Reelect Biden, Media Claim Trump Is Going Senile, Too
It’s quite timely that after writing on article yesterday on media bias, the following headline popped up on my MSN homepage: “Donald Trump’s cognitive decline worse than Joe Biden’s...
Stossel: “Subtle (and Not So Subtle) Ways Journalists Slant the News”
“For every Republican in newsrooms, there are 10 Democrats,” famed investigative journalist John Stossel recently pointed out. That this imbalance exists isn’t new — nor is it a groundbreaking...
Black Prof Needed Armed Security After Releasing Study Showing Possible Anti-WHITE Bias in Police Shootings
It’s called “the narrative” — which is usually just a polite name for a fashionable lie. A black Ivy League academic has learned the price of contradicting cherished narratives,...
Rob Reiner Channels the Nazis in Seeking to Flip Christianity’s Script
Unlike the avowedly atheistic Soviets, the WWII-era Nazis didn’t bluntly try to suppress Christianity. Rather, they sought to reinvent it for their own purposes, conjuring up something called “Positive...
Authorities STILL Won’t Identify the Kansas City Shooters; Biden Takes Aim at GUNS
A full day after the mayhem at the Wednesday parade celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl LVIII victory, authorities still haven’t revealed anything about the shooters’ identities or...
Identity-politics Science: Fed Agencies to Now Seek Guidance From “Indigenous Knowledge”
It took man millennia to advance from superstition to the scientific method. Now it might take the atavistic Biden administration only a moment to regress. Some may thus conclude...
Dem Senate Contender Wants $50 Minimum Wage
When arguing against a given minimum wage (e.g., $15/hour), late radio giant Rush Limbaugh would sometimes rhetorically ask: Why stop there? If that amount is good, wouldn’t a $50...
Pro-Muslim Mob Yelling “Allahu Akbar!” Shuts Down Bridge for Hours; Cops Yawn
“The right to swing my arms in any direction ends where your nose begins,” children would sometimes hear years ago, from teachers trying to illustrate the rightful balance of...
Musk Bangs Disney: Posts Discriminatory Company “Inclusion” Document
When hearing people boast that they’re “inclusive,” your first response should be, “Of what?” After all, to include some in a limited-size group means excluding others. Enter The Walt...