About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
When the Feds Quash Free Speech with Legal Tyranny
Free speech isn't free when you have to pay for it. And that's what happens when the feds make a legal end run around the First Amendment. ...
“Abortion Drone” to be Launched from Germany into Poland
In an attempt at ideological conquest, a drone containing abortion drugs will be sent from Germany into Poland this weekend. ...
Eminent Scientist: Humans Will Be Extinct in a Century
Will man's end be authored by the “irreversible” problems of overpopulation, environmental degradation, and climate change, as a prominent scientist has claimed? ...
Chinese Espionage: Was the OPM “Hack” Not a Hack, but Treason?
The Chinese don't have to hack our government systems if they can find American traitors to unlock the gate for them. And this is precisely what might have happened...
Italy: Little Schoolchildren Cross-dress Under New Gov’t Program
Cross-dressing in elementary school? It's all part of a new government program that was instituted without parental consent and that is designed to teach children that their "gender" can...
Are Trans-racials the New Transgenders?
If feelings are enough to justify living as a member of the opposite sex, aren't they also enough to justify living as a member of a different race? ...
Orwellian America: Principal Fired for McKinney-comment Thought Crime
Increasingly, our governing principle in America seems to be, "I may disagree with what you say — and because you said it I'll stop at nothing to destroy you."...
Obama’s Justice Dept. Wants Names of Internet Commenters Who Trashed Judge
Increasingly in America, it's not what you say that gets you in trouble, but who you are when you say it. ...
Seeing Red: Will Communists Take Over Spain?
Spain may soon make history with a mistake of the past: becoming the first Western European nation to freely elect a Marxist government. ...
Supreme Constitutional Trespass: Marriage
Everyone, Right and Left, agrees that all adults have a right to “marry”; apparently, though, many disagree on what marriage is. This brings us to the fundamental problem: How...
Our Sexual Cancer: Metastasizing as the Band Plays On
The homosexual agenda might have hit its stride during the last decade, but the seeds for its success were sown long, long ago. ...
Shocking Interviews: The Muslims in America Who Want Sharia
Shocking new interviews with Muslims in America reflect what polls have shown: A distressingly high number of them prefer sharia law to our Constitution. ...
God and Evil: My Answer for Michael Savage
Torture, pain, beheadings, the murder of children.... If God exists and is all good, how could He allow such suffering and evil? This is a common question, and a...
Now the Government Wants to Ban Holding Your Breath
If you want our freedoms restored, well, as they say, don’t hold your breath waiting — especially since holding your breath may soon be against the law, at least...
Media: “Browning of America” Good, “Bleaching Out” of San Fran Bad
For people who once claimed the ideal is a colorblind attitude toward race, leftists talk an awful lot about race. ...