About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Bombshell: Have Roy Moore’s Main Accuser’s Claims Been Debunked?
Beverly Young Nelson has been Judge Roy Moore’s most damning accuser, but now people “who were there when” have come forward to make us wonder if the allegations are...
Al Franken: When Liberal Personal Life Begets Liberal Politics
What do you get when you cross Hollywood with politics? Perhaps Senator Al Franken, the Saturday Night Live alumnus who won a 2008 Senate seat by 312 votes and,...
Trump’s Trophy-hunt Troubles: What if Big-game Hunting Saves the Elephant?
There’s a big-game-hunting controversy afoot, aside from that of the targeting of prominent men with sex allegations. President Trump, after reversing a 2014 Obama-era ban on the import of...
Shocker: New York Times Writes Positive Article on Roy Moore
It is perhaps shocking that the New York Times is running an article today painting GOP Senate hopeful Roy Moore in a positive light. ...
Roy Moore vs. Doug Jones: Real Scandal in Alabama Senate Race
Scandals take many forms. Consider, for instance, that Democrat Doug Jones, Judge Moore’s opponent, is pro-prenatal infanticide. It means Jones believes in the murder of underage girls — and...
Atheism and the Texas Church Shooter
“If God does not exist, everything is permitted,” wrote Fyodor Dostoevsky in The Brothers Karamazov. Mentioning this in association with Devin Patrick Kelley, the militant atheist who on Sunday,...
Corey Feldman Names Molesters; Fears Hollywood “A-lister” May Kill Him
Ex-child star Corey Feldman has long maintained that the pedophiles in Hollywood “are everywhere, like vultures” and says that he himself was molested by them in the 1980s. Now...
Moore or Less? Are Sex Accusations Against Roy Moore Dirty Tricks?
With the Alabama special election to fill Jeff Sessions’ seat a mere month away, sexual misconduct allegations have, quite conveniently, surfaced against GOP hopeful Roy Moore. ...
Hollywood Muscle: Weinstein Sought to Intimidate Abuse Victims Into Silence
Former child actor Corey Feldman recently said his efforts to expose Hollywood pedophilia had him “fearing for his life.” These fears are now placed in perspective by a new...
Mr. Hollywood Expelled From the Orgy
Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood movie mogul, has been accused of decades of sexual assault and been ostracized by his peers. But he reflects the industry, and it reflects him....
Millennial Madness: Paganism on Rise in Colleges and Among Young
“Have you sacrificed a virgin on your altar today?” While this question isn’t being uttered (yet), the query “What’s your sign?” is, we’re told, more common now, with Millennials...
Rogue Judge Blocks Trump’s Reinstitution of Military “Transgender” Ban
In another example of how we’ve become a government of, by, and for judges, a federal judge has blocked President Trump’s reinstitution of the ban on Made-up Sexual Status...
“An Open Secret”: Must-watch Documentary on Hollywood’s Casting Couch for Kids
If any good is coming from the Harvey Weinstein affair, it’s that a light is being shined, albeit briefly, on a far greater Hollywood scandal: the sexual abuse of...
Do You Have Toxic Masculinity? There’s a Class for That
Along with “white privilege” and “mansplaining,” another recently disgorged concept designed to stigmatize men is “toxic masculinity.” But don't worry, there's a "Rethink Masculinity" class designed to help men...
In a Potty-mouthed Time, a Clean College Comedy Group Is All the Rage
It’s a modern comedy troupe that doesn’t curse, engage in scatological humor, or use sexual innuendo — and that has more than one billion YouTube hits. It’s called Studio...