About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Left Starting to Eat its Own? Dem Accuses Pelosi, Schumer of Racism
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), devoted liberals both, are “racist.” That’s according to leftist CNN political commentator Angela Rye (D-Media), who condemned the...
Black Man Charged With Hate Crime for Calling Police Names
Government may not be good at securing borders, balancing budgets, or teaching kids to read, but it apparently can read minds. How else could we have hate-crime law, which...
Liberal States Are the Most Psychopathic, Study Shows
First there was a study showing that liberals are more likely than conservatives to exhibit “psychotic” traits. Now there’s more research that may indicate the Left has left sanity,...
ICE Protesters Confront Federal Agents; Nine Arrested
After a week of disruption, the entrance to the ICE building in Portland, Oregon, has finally been cleared and the lawbreakers arrested. ...
Is Bill Clinton Warning That Dem Radicalism Could Kill a Blue Wave?
Behaving like a knave could kill the blue wave. According to one commentator, this may be the message triangulation master Bill Clinton has for his Democratic Party. ...
Marvel Studios Boss Promises “LGBT” Characters in Future Films
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films may soon feature two “LGBT” superheroes. ...
Sodas Beware! Nanny-stater Michael Bloomberg May Run for President in 2020
He’s known for soda fights and opposing gun rights, and now he wants to be president, say sources. Well, in contrast to junk-food loving Donald Trump, at least we...
Justice Kennedy’s Exit Gives Trump Chance to Move Court Toward Sanity
Justice Anthony Kennedy, the 81-year jurist known as the Supreme Court’s “swing vote,” announced Wednesday his retirement from the bench. Kennedy’s exit marks the end of a 31-year High...
Right Rising in Sweden as Muslim Migration and Nanny State Sink Culture
Sweden's culturally suicidal spirit is now being rejected by a growing number of Swedes, who see their nation’s first-in-Europe migration rate creating a “new Sweden” before their very eyes....
EU Takes Major Step Toward “European Army”
The European Union has been moving toward disunion, but now, perhaps in a move designed to shore up EU unity, a group of its states has reportedly agreed to...
How Killing Racial Profiling Is Killing Blacks
“Please Stop Helping Us,” reads the title of a 2014 book by black author Jason Riley. This plea could be uttered to the black race hustlers and white liberals...
Restaurant Risibility: Sarah Sanders, and Justice, Won’t Be Served in America
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was thrown out of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, because of her association with the Trump administration. ...
The Enemy South: Next Mexican President Says Invading U.S. is a “Human Right”
Should Mexico be declared an enemy nation? This question is more valid than ever now that our southern neighbor’s presumptive next president has declared that invading the United States...
Acting Like a Hate Group, SPLC Pays Large Settlement and May Be Sued Further
“SPLC” may not stand for Sneaky Propaganda and Libel Center, but more and more Americans think it should. This is especially true after the organization had to pay a...
Time Peddling Slime: Crying Tot on Mag Cover is Rank Propaganda
A girl cries and the media lies. That’s what the recent viral Time magazine cover, showing a weeping Honduran tot facing President Trump, reflects. The photoshopped image has been...