About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Dem Rep: I’d “Love” to “Regulate” Speech, but First Amendment Stops Me
It’s what you get when electing a leftist in lieu of a real patriot: Ted Lieu. The California Democratic congressman created quite a stir Wednesday by expressing love —...
Lib-Dem: Change Constitution So Ocasio-Cortez Can Seek Presidency
Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “should run for president and dare the Supreme Court to stop her.” So says a leftist writer who further emphatically states, “Immigrants, young people, and...
Dems Are Damned if They Impeach, Damned if They Don’t
Democrat Party leadership know that impeachment proceedings against President Trump wouldn’t play well in Peoria. Yet to not impeach would enrage much of the Democrat base. ...
Belgian (Thought) Cops Arrest Driver of Hungarian Anti-migration Van
They’re usually called the Brussels police. Now some may call them the Thought Police. Whatever the case, they recently arrested the driver of a Hungarian-government-commissioned van — because they...
Dying “Democracy”: The U.S. Is Losing Her Street Cred
The problem “democracy” has today, suggests pundit Pat Buchanan, is that it’s not working, and this is partially because of the current behavior of its main representative: the United...
“Your time is up, white people”: South Africa Sets Date for “White Farmers Land-grab Law”
The South African National Assembly has just agreed to amend the nation’s constitution to allow the seizure of white farmers’ land without compensation. ...
Another Supposed “Far Right” Party Rises in Europe
When is “far right” actually moderate? When it’s defined by the far Left. Such appears the case with Spain’s Vox party, which was vaulted to prominence in December 2’s Andalucían election. ...
Yellow Vest and Unrest: French Revolution, Part Deux?
That recent reports of a plan to overthrow the French government came from Le Figaro, the nation’s oldest national daily and a newspaper of record, speaks volumes. It suggests...
Answering Atheists: Italy’s New Government Promotes Christ in Schools
The Italians don’t have anyone like the Nebraska principal who recently tried to ban even candy canes and red and green items at Christmastime. But they do have a...
Catholic Priest: Islam “Not a Religion of Peace”; Interfaith Dialogue Currently “Useless”
“Islam justifies killing and war in its sacred texts.” So said American Catholic priest Mario Alexis Portella in a striking, but mostly ignored, recent interview. ...
College Craziness: A Quorum for the “Whiteness” Forum? Yes, Sadly
A university “whiteness forum” claims that that the VeggieTales cartoon and the NFL are “racist” and that white female Trump supporters advance white supremacy. ...
That Strengthening Diversity: 63 Percent of “Non-citizens” on Welfare
It’s a shocking revelation right up there with rain is wet and fire is hot: Contrary to immigrationist assurances, census numbers inform that a vast majority — 63 percent...
Americans Can Now be Jailed for Not Servicing Same-sex “Weddings”
It’s not yet like the Romans throwing Christians to the lions for practicing their faith, but the Phoenix government may be throwing them in jail — for refusing to...
Cohen Shocker! Worldwide Real-estate Developer (Trump) Wanted Real-estate Deal in World’s Biggest Country (Russia)
President Trump’s ex-lawyer Michael Cohen has started to sing like a bird to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Yet the oh-so shocking tune that has got the media all aflutter...
Poll: Nearly 2/3rds of Republicans Now Believe in Climate Change; 51% Want Gov. Action
The doom business is quite profitable, both financially and politically, and thus are we treated to yet another weather-end-times poll, this one a Monmouth University survey indicating that two-thirds...