About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Report: Your State Is Likely DESTROYING Your Money
Your current dollars are worth less than four cents relative to their value in 1913, the year the privately owned Federal Reserve took over the banking system. What’s more,...
Aussie Fires ARE Caused by Man — It’s Called Arson and Green Policy
It turns out that the fires raging in Australia are climate-related. They’re caused by a climate of hate, irresponsibility, and incompetence manifesting itself in arson, feckless fire handling, and...
Dumbo Dads: Hollywood’s Demeaning of Fathers Degrades the Culture
During the last 45 years, TV dads have gone from family head to dunderhead — and that, since life also imitates art, this portrayal seriously damages the American family....
Bleed the Males? China Currently Demanding DNA from Boys — and ONLY Boys
China’s ever-growing, totalitarian surveillance state is now requiring blood samples from boys in provinces across the nation. ...
“State of War”: Jihadist Threat Forces Brussels Police to Escort Firemen on New Year’s
New Year’s celebrations across Western Europe were again marred by violence, attacks on authorities, and fires. In fact, while firefighters in Brussels, Belgiumplanned to be at the ready, they...
Professor Makes REQUIRED “Diversity” Statement His University Doesn’t Want to Hear
Imagine you’re required to submit what’s essentially a loyalty oath to diversity dogma to qualify for a “merit”-based raise at your job. Do you bow down before the mind...
New Archbishop: Ignore Bible and Conform to the World on Sexuality
The incoming Archbishop of York has an interesting idea for how the church can deal with the Great Sexual Devolution: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Ignoring the biblical...
Report: “Transgenders” More Likely to Kill Than be Killed; Overrepresented Among Pedophiles
It’s fairly well known that “transgenders” have a very high suicide rate, especially after undergoing so-called sex reassignment surgery. But barely known, and contrary to modern myth, is that...
Terrorism: The Dirty Bomb Threat That Could Make Your City Uninhabitable — Tomorrow
One supposed difficulty terrorists have effecting dirty-bomb mayhem is obtaining the radioactive material — but it turns out that this may not be so difficult after all. For that material...
Joe Biden Slammed Policy That Led to the Texas Church Massacre’s Foiling
Joe Biden may be tops in national Democrat primary polls, but he certainly doesn’t lead the field in policy analysis if a recently resurfaced video is any indication. In...
Authoring American Anarchy: Latest Lib Idea Is to ABOLISH Police
You know we live in crazy times when it’s hard distinguishing real news from satire. A case in point is that the Left, not satisfied just advocating the abolition...
Going Full “Woke”: Statement About Indian-land Theft Read Before Christmas Play
Imagine attending a performance of A Christmas Carol, and the “first act” is a lecture about how the theater sits on “sacred,” stolen Indian land. ...
Swimming in Feces, Trash, and Needles, San Franciscans Vow to Banish Disposable Cups
It’s a bit like a general vowing to go off to fight some ghost army on the other side of the Earth while his own land is being overrun...
AOC Calls U.S. “Fascist” Country at Rally for Candidate Who’d Prosecute People Innocent of Crimes
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the United States a “fascist” country at a recent event — a rally for a man, socialist senator Bernie Sanders, who vows to prosecute citizens who’ve...
Now N.Y. Law: Under TV “Diversity Bill,” White Men Need Not Apply
It’s not enough that the “browning of America,” as NPR put it, has been accompanied by the browning of previously white entertainment characters and “woke” films that wane at...