About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
“Toxic Masculinity” Is a Toxic Fiction; “Stop Blaming Men,” Says Author
Overlapping with the “Enlightenment” and a reaction to it, the lesser-known “Romantic Period” (1790-1850, supposedly) stressed not reason but emotionalism and involved the exaltation of women. Over time this...
Study: WHO Data Show Surge in Covid-shot-related Heart Deaths
It’s “as serious as a heart attack.” In fact, it is a heart attack — or, at least, something related to it. Unfortunately, too many people haven’t taken seriously...
Leftist News Org Urges Biden Campaign to Use AI to Fool Public About Joe’s Senility
Some are suggesting the Biden campaign use AI to trick the public into thinking Biden is not exhibiting decrepitude and dementia. ...
Many Gen Zers Don’t Like America. Is It Surprising?
A recent survey showed that 40 percent of Generation Z believes our Founding Fathers are more akin to villains than heroes. This stat is just a reflection, too, of...
“Russia Is Bluffing” Could Be a World-ending Miscalculation, Warns Expert
Before going all in and betting the house on a poker hand, in the belief your opponent is bluffing, you’d better hope your judgment is sound. You should know...
Marine Le Pen Challenges CNN on “Far-right” Label
French National Rally leader Marine Le Pen challenged CNN's description of her party as “far right” and “very scary.” ...
“Rejoice!” Says Writer, and Celebrate Independence From Chevron Tyranny
Chevron was struck down by the Supreme Court. While some Chicken Littles warn the sky is falling, we should celebrate the doctrine’s demise. ...
Is Jill Biden Lady MacBeth? Ex-husband Says She “Wants to Be President”
Some may want to praise Jill Biden for standing by husband Joe after his dementia-affected debate performance last week. But in reality she’s standing on him, say critics —...
Education Does Broaden One: University Hires “Fatness Studies” Prof
Penn State University takes a unique approach to education with the hiring of a fatness study professor specializing in fat representation and liberation. ...
Fraud-enabling Algorithm Added to New York’s Voter Registration Roll, Says Report
“I think there is a lot of voter fraud.” So said then-NYC election commissioner, Democrat Alan Schulkin, on hidden video in 2016. Much has changed in the Empire State...
Migrants, Majority Muslim, Are Wrecking German Schools
Immigrants, mainly Muslim, are overwhelming and disrupting German schools to the point where teachers are unable to do their jobs properly. ...
Our Freedom-squelching, Time-sucking Nanny State
“A government big enough to give you everything you want,” goes a paraphrase of an apocryphal saying, “is big enough to take everything you’ve got.” This includes too many...
The Anti-beauty Brigade Asks: Can We Learn to Love Ugliness?
Beauty and the beast…. We invariably know which is which. But should we be able to? And if we will always be capable of discerning the difference (hard to...
Ex-White House Doc Reveals What Drugs Might be Jacking Up Biden for Tonight’s Debate
Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson, M.D., has weighed in on what drugs Biden might be using to stay functional. ...
Overloaded With Left-wing Propaganda, Is Gen Z Starting to Flee the Democrats?
That senior citizens support Republicans while young Americans vote for Democrats by wide margins is one of those old truisms in politics. Or is it? Shockingly to many, polls...