Sam Blumenfeld, Author at The New American - Page 14 of 25
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About: Sam Blumenfeld

Intelligent Design vs. Evolution

On the night of September 14th,  I was watching Piers Morgan interview the great British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Airlines. Branson’s house had burned down, but...

SAT Scores Hit Rock Bottom

For many years, I kept track of the SAT scores for my publication, The Blumenfeld Education Letter, as an indicator of the decline of literacy in America and the...

The Electorate Is Waking Up

The victory of conservative Republican Bob Turner in New York’s Ninth Congressional District to replace the disgraced Democrat Anthony Weiner in the House of Representatives is an indication of...

The Meaning of 9/11

It is now possible to see why it has taken so long to restore the area where the two giant World Trade Center towers stood. Because there were so...

GOP Debate Showdown at Simi Valley

The debate among Republican presidential candidates at the Reagan Library on Wednesday, Sept. 7th, provided a good deal of political theater. Every word spoken by the candidates, every facial...

The Source of American Exceptionalism

The idea that the United States is unique among the world’s nations has been recognized by many historians and ordinary citizens who sense our exceptionalism without fully knowing its...

Are We Headed Toward Civil Violence?

Tony Blankley’s recent column, “Politics Turns Dangerously Rougher,” reflects my own thinking on where all of this conflict between the socialist left and pro-Constitution Tea-Party right is headed. Since...

The Great Brain Robbery

The other night I was watching interviewer Piers Morgan, CNN’s replacement for Larry King, who retired from TV in December 2010. Morgan was interviewing Arianna Huffington, the Greek-American political...

9/11 and the Muslim Brotherhood

On September 11, 2011, a solemn memorial service will take place at Ground Zero on the tenth anniversary of that fateful day when 3,000 innocent Americans were killed by...

How Reagan Created Reaganomics

Since there has been so much talk among Tea Partiers of returning to the good old, pre-trillion-dollar days of Ronald Reagan’s administration, I thought it would be a good...