About: Ron Paul
Posts by Ron Paul
North Korea or Iran … Where Will President Trump Attack First?
President Trump seems to be impatiently racing toward at least one disastrous war. Maybe two. ...
Trump Should Veto Congress’ Foolish New Sanctions Bill
President Trump was elected to pursue a new kind of foreign policy. If he means what he said on the campaign trail, he will veto this foolish sanctions bill...
Big Military Spending Boost Threatens Our Economy and Security
Unfortunately President Trump seems to be incapable of understanding that it is US intervention and occupation of foreign countries that creates instability and feeds terrorism. ...
Janet Yellen: False Prophet of Prosperity
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently predicted that, thanks to the regulations implemented after the 2008 market meltdown, America would not experience another economic crisis “in our lifetimes.” Yellen’s...
We Must Declare Independence
As Independence Day comes around again we should spend a few moments between barbecue and fireworks to think about the meaning of independence. The colonists who rebelled against the...
Republican Healthcare Plan Fails the ‘Jimmy Kimmel Test’
Every decent human being supports a healthcare system that ensures children have access to medical care. However, this does not mean every decent person should support government-run healthcare. In...
Why Are We Attacking the Syrians Who Are Fighting ISIS?
Just when you thought our Syria policy could not get any worse, last week it did. The US military twice attacked Syrian government forces from a military base it...
Trump’s Budget: Radical Change or More of the Same?
Far from presenting a radial challenge to the status quo, President Trump’s budget grows the welfare-warfare state, albeit with more emphasis on the warfare. ...
Are We Fighting Terrorism, Or Creating More Terrorism?
The real problem is that both Washington and London are more interested in regime change overseas than any blowback that might come to the rest of us back home....
President Trump: Toss Your Generals’ War Escalation Plans In the Trash
There is no way another “surge” in Afghanistan and Iraq (plus a new one in Syria) puts America first. There is no way doing the same thing over again...
President Trump: Cancel Your Saudi Trip, Play More Golf
Many pundits complain that President Trump spends too much time golfing. I would rather he spend a lot more time golfing and less time trying to solve the rest...
Save Liberty, Shut Down the Government
The root of the current crisis is neither political nor economic but philosophical. Too many have bought into the lie that government can protect us from life’s misfortunes and...
Candidate Trump: ‘I Love Wikileaks.’ President Trump: ‘Arrest Assange!’
“I love Wikileaks,” candidate Donald Trump said on October 10th on the campaign trail. He praised the organization for reporting on the darker side of the Hillary Clinton campaign....
The Federal Reserve Is, and Always Has Been, Politicized
The Federal Reserve has a long history of giving in to presidential pressure for an "accommodative" monetary policy. ...
After Trump’s Syria Attack, What Comes Next?
Thursday’s US missile attack on Syria must represent the quickest foreign policy U-turn in history. ...