About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
Beck Closely Examines Tea Party Movement
Fridays on the Glenn Beck program have been dubbed “Founders’ Fridays,” as Beck has used those days to discuss the founding of America. Last Friday's episode, however, was unique...
Charlie St. Cloud: A Film Celebrating Life
Everything about Burr Steven’s Charlie St. Cloud is predictable, except for the spiritual gravity and Christian undertones, rendering an otherwise teen “chick flick” a worthwhile expenditure. Based on a...
DISCLOSE Act Stalled by GOP Filibuster
Senate Democrats were unable to muster the necessary votes to break the Republican filibuster and vote to pass the DISCLOSE Act (Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending...
Reid Resurrects Public Option
Even after the healthcare bill was passed into law, the public option is not going away. In fact, it is on its way, according to Senate Majority Leader Harry...
England Plans to Decentralize Healthcare
In a speech given in England on July 1, 2008, then-president of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement David Berwick, who is now Chief of the Centers for Medicare and...
Shirley Sherrod Fiasco
On March 27, 2010, U.S. Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod addressed the NAACP’s 20th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet. Months later, a small excerpt from Sherrod’s speech was posted...
Midterm Elections Fast Approaching
Sunday July 25 marked the 100-day countdown to the 2010 midterm elections. Republicans continue to expect success against the Democratic majority, as polls show Republican nominees in the...
Massachusetts Moves to Circumvent the Electoral College
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is on the verge of passing a new law that will circumvent the Electoral College system so that future elections will be determined by the...
White House Changes Story on Individual Mandate
The Obama administration continues to show itself as a master of the spin. During the heavy campaign to promote the healthcare law, President Barack Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,...
Vote for Kagan Appointment Set for Tuesday
The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on the nomination of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court on Tuesday at 10 a.m., after which the nomination would proceed...
Obama Accused of Misuse of Taxpayer Dollars in Kenya
In just two years, President Obama has been accused of a variety of impeachable offenses, including ineligibility, bribery, and assisting in the selling of his former Senate seat. ...
Inception: Sci-fi Thought Thriller
Leonardo DiCaprio does it again with this summer’s new blockbuster hit, Inception. Not everyone will agree with that, however. I contend that there will be two camps that develop...
Tough Race in Nevada for Tea Party Favorite
According to GOP USA, “the campaign in Nevada to replace Harry Reid is now in a desperate situation.” As it stands, Sharron Angle has a small edge over Reid,...
Wife of Oil Executive Targeted in Bomb Attack
Federal agents are investigating a bomb explosion at the home of 58-year-old Houston woman, Vennie Wolf, on July 9. Disguised as an innocuous box of candy, the exploding box...
NAACP Hypocrisy: Target “Racist” Tea Parties
On July 13, at the 101st National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) convention, delegates voted on a resolution calling for “all people of good will to...