About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
Louisiana University Bans Political Emails
Grambling State University (GSU) in Louisiana has banned its students from using the university’s email server to email “campaign solicitations,” claiming it is a violation of Louisiana law which...
DISCLOSE Act Fails Yet Again
In July, the DISCLOSE Act (Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act) failed to pass a cloture vote in the Senate, 57-41, as a result...
Tough Senate Race in Delaware
Delaware’s Senate race between GOP nominee Christine O’Donnell and Democrat nominee Chris Coons heated up quickly. From highlights of the controversial pasts of both candidates to the possibility of...
Obama Chief Economic Adviser Summers Resigns
In the midst of speculation over possible changes to President Obama’s economic team, the chair of the National Economic Council, Lawrence Summers, announces his plans to resign his position...
Mexican Government Proves to be Supreme Hypocrite
Raul Diaz of the Mexican Superintendence of Tax Administration confirmed this week that the Mexican government intends to build a wall along the Mexican/Guatemalan border. Diaz claims that the...
Controversial Defense Bill Fails to be Passed
Apparently loading the military defense policy bill with controversy did not work well for the Democrats as the bill failed to clear a procedural vote in the Senate today....
Potential Changes to White House Economic Team?
President Obama raised eyebrows on Monday when he alluded to the possibility of making changes to his economic team during a question/answer session of a town-hall style meeting aired...
Warren Appointment Raises Issues
President Obama has once again circumvented the United States Congress by appointing Elizabeth Warren to the influential position of special adviser to the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, rather...
Comedy Central Hosts Plan Dueling Rallies
In an effort to steal some of the thunder from conservative pundit Glenn Beck, who hosted the impressive Restoring Honor rally in Washington D.C., on August 28 that boasted...
Global Warming? No. Global Climate Disruption? Yes!
Forced to contend with the reality that global warming is not a man-made phenomenon that will ultimately result in catastrophe, President Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren has turned away...
Death of the Incandescent Light Bulb
In response to the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act, which bans the use of incandescent light bulbs by the year 2014, General Electric has shut down its last...
Delaware GOP Senate Candidate a Witchcraft “Dabbler”?
Since Christine O’ Donnell’s victory in Delaware’s GOP primary last week, it seems that much of the media and political circus — including the Republican establishment — has been...
Military Defense Policy Bill Loaded With Controversy
Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was criticized for adding controversy to what should have been an uncontested military defense policy bill by including an amendment that would...
M. Night Shyamalan’s Devil
There are two categories of movie-goers: those who love M. Night Shyamalan’s films, and those who despise them. I count myself among those who thoroughly enjoy the works of...
Vancouver Taxpayers Stuck With $1 Billion Bill
Six months after the close of the Winter Olympics, Vancouver taxpayers have been slapped with a bill for $1 billion in unsold Olympic Village units. Business Insider reports, “Sixty-six...