About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
British Health Care Official Advocates Letting Premature Babies Die
Because prominent members of the Obama administration continue to tout British health care as an example for America to emulate, it’s necessary to highlight the endless array of issues...
Touted Savings in Spending Proposals Misleading
According to the Congressional Budget Office, attempts by Senate Democrats to cut spending have been feeble and at times, misleading. Analysts at the CBO have determined that the Senate...
The Goodness of America
Woman Offers Serenity to Dying Teen When Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death before dozens of witnesses who failed to offer or seek proper aid for the young victim...
The Adjustment Bureau Questions Free Will
Matt Damon’s newest film, The Adjustment Bureau, questions the basis and validity of free will. Is man’s destiny truly in his own hands, or is his destiny in the...
Legislature to TSA: Don’t Mess With Texas!
Legislators in the state of Texas are seeking to protect the Fourth Amendment by utilizing the Tenth Amendment. ...
Bachmann Pushes Back Against Incandescent Light Bulb Ban
In 2007, President George W. Bush signed into law an energy bill that included an amendment which banned the incandescent light bulb. The ban is scheduled to go into...
Catholic Hospital’s New Protocol Halts Abortions Midway
Resurrection Medical Center, located in Chicago, Illinois, is the first Roman Catholic hospital in the country to begin the practice of interrupting abortion procedures midway through the process at...
Holder Reveals Underlying Racism in DOJ Treatment of Black Panther Case
Though evidence of racism in the Justice Department has been evident for some time, Attorney General Eric Holder finally admitted to it on March 1, when he confessed that...
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Westboro Baptist Church
On March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court voted 8 to 1 in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church’s right to freedom of speech. The Kansas Church attracted nationwide notoriety...
Senate Approves Temporary Spending Bill
The United States Senate just voted 91 to 9 in favor of the House-passed temporary spending bill. Like in the United States House of Representatives, where 100 Democrats broke...
Seattle Cop Speaks Out Against City’s Social Justice Program
A Seattle police officer exercised his constitutionally protected right to free speech when he submitted an opinion piece in his local police union’s newsletter entitled, “Shut up and be...
Texas Groups Offers Scholarship to White Male Minority
Census statistics released earlier this month show that 42 percent of the Texas population is white, non-Hispanic, down from 50 percent ten years ago. As white males are now...
House Committee Delays Action on Net Neutrality
In December, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved a new set of regulations to establish its jurisdiction over the Internet in favor of “net neutrality” rules, despite the rejection...
House Avoids Government Shutdown; Senate Expected to Do the Same
Moments ago, the United States House of Representatives voted 335 to 91 in favor of passing another Continuing Resolution to continue to fund the federal government, which will prevent...
Radical Muslims Plan D.C. March
Muslims who support Shariah (Islamic) law are planning to march in Washingrton, D.C. on Thursday, March 3 to bring Shariah law “directly to the doorsteps of the United States...