About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
Unions Refocus Energy on State Campaigns
Provoked by the varieties of so-called “anti-union legislation” being passed across the nation, unions have decided to refocus all of their attention and energy on state elections rather than...
Indiana First State to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding
The state of Indiana has become the first in the Union to cut off all government funding to Planned Parenthood. Though the effort has been touted as a success...
Federal Bureaucrats Target Kids’ Cereal
Federal bureaucrats are at it again, interjecting themselves into affairs that should be of no concern to them. The latest overreach involves new federal guidelines which may limit the...
GOP Faces Tough Audiences in Pitching Medicare Overhaul
In the weeks following the release by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) of his budget proposal to overhaul Medicare, he and other Republicans across the country have had to contend...
Rep. Gutierrez Demands Amnesty Through Executive Order
America’s elected officials are becoming less sheepish about their blatant disregard of the voters and the Constitution. This attitude is evident in the demand of Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)...
State Department Proposes Bizarre Questionnaire for Passport Apps
It seems that people are under much less scrutiny when entering the United States than leaving it inasmuch as the State Department has proposed a new biographical questionnaire as...
New Kansas Law Requires Proof of Citizenship for Voters
Last week, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (left) signed into law a measure that will require Kansas voters to present photo IDs at the polling booth. According to Brownback, the...
Conn. Mother Faces Charges for Enrolling Child in Diff. School District
A homeless Connecticut mother faces charges of larceny and possible imprisonment for enrolling her six-year old son in a school in another town. Tanya McDowell, whose last known address...
Supreme Court Rejects Fast-Track Request for Obamacare Challenge
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a request from Virginia’s Attorney General to expedite the legal process for the ObamaCare suit and instead required judicial review of the...
Classified Military Documents Reveal Info on Gitmo Detainees
Recently released classified military documents regarding the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have once again forced the Obama administration to defend the continued presence of the military detainment...
Socialist Group Announces Target: Middle School Students
It is no secret that the American Left has been targeting the youth for a long time, and has succeeded in many ways. After all, the Left appears to...
New Black Panthers Target Jews and Tea Partiers
In 2008, the New Black Panthers' blatant practice of voter intimidation made headlines in a case that was ultimately dismissed by the U.S. Justice Department. The case prompted an...
Earth Day or Green Indoctrination Day?
April 22, every year's Earth Day, proved another prime opportunity for educators to fully indoctrinate students on environmental issues as well as the "evils" of production and capitalism. ...
N.J. Judge Dismisses ObamaCare Challenge
Even as states are gaining traction in the challenge against ObamaCare, a federal judge in New Jersey elected to dismiss a lawsuit against the new healthcare law, contending that...
Privacy Concerns About Apple’s iPhones and iPads
Apple, Inc. finds itself amidst controversy once again, this time provoking the criticism of privacy watchdogs which are demanding an explanation as to why its iPhones and iPads are...