About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
Physicist Resigns in Opposition to Claims of Manmade Climate Change
On September 13, physicist Dr. Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, announced his resignation from the...
Another Court Rules Against Individual Mandate
Another federal judge has ruled that Obamacare’s key individual mandate is unconstitutional. Judge Christopher C. Conner of the U.S. District Court in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (left), ruled on Tuesday that...
Man Sues Walgreens for Wrongful Termination After Self-defense Shooting
When Jeremy Hoven put his concealed carry permit to use for self-defense purposes during an armed robbery last May, he was fired by his employer, Walgreens. Though Hoven defended...
Canadian Judge: No Jail Time for Infanticide
In a shocking ruling by a Canadian appeal court, a woman who strangled her son with her underwear after secretly giving birth to him will face no jail time...
Iran to Release American Prisoners
In an effort touted as one to reduce tensions with the rest of the world, Iran has pledged to release two Americans held hostage in the country. The announcement...
Calif. Govt Considers Controversial School Aid Bill for Illegals
During last night’s debate, frontrunner Rick Perry provoked boos from the audience when he defended his decision to allow illegal immigrants to receive in-state tuition benefits if they were...
Unions & Small Govt Groups Rail Against EPA Regulations
New regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have many people up in arms, including some unions. Aware that the regulations will be job-killers, the unions and small government...
Tim Pawlenty Endorses Mitt Romney
In a somewhat shocking announcement, former GOP presidential contender Tim Pawlenty announced that he will be endorsing Mitt Romney for president. The former Minnesota Governor sent an email to...
More Waste: Government Spends $4 Million to House 12 Homeless
In yet another display of government inefficiency, government officials in Bethesda, Maryland, located just outside of Washington, D.C., have decided to spend $4 million to house 12 homeless people...
Dem Rep Supports Democratic Challenge to Obama
Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich (left) of Ohio has been harshly critical of the Obama administration as of late, and is now advocating a challenge to President Obama in a...
SpongeBob May Impact Behavior of 4-Year Olds
According to a new behavioral study, Spongebob SquarePants may cause short-term attention and learning problems in 4-year olds. The study indicates that watching a mere nine minutes of the...
Boston Considers Stricter Knife Regulations
With "gun control" a popular rallying cry for liberals across the country, it seemed only a matter of time before they turned their attention to other items that are...
New Video Game Allows Players to Kill Tea Partiers
Liberals often tout themselves as the epitome of tolerance, which makes the production of a video game entitled ?Tea Party Zombies Must Die,? by StarvingEyes Advergaming, all the more...
Charges Dropped In Bear Self-Defense Shooting
When the government infringes upon Second Amendment rights through regulation and harsh gun control, it is accused of violating one’s right to self-defense. There is no greater example of...
New Jersey Governor Christie Elected Vice Chair of Republican Governors Association
Though a number of Republicans across the country have been calling for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to throw his hat into the presidential ring, he has continually rejected...