About: R. Cort Kirkwood
Posts by R. Cort Kirkwood
Migrant Caravan No. 2 Heads North, Trump Threatens to Cut Aid to Honduras
A new migrant caravan of 1600 to 2000 people are marching from Honduras, hopefully to find their way to the United States, as they flee “poverty and violence.” ...
Portland Mayor Lets the Goons Rule as Anti-Trump Violence Escalates
The mayor of Portland, Oregon, thinks it’s just fine if leftist goons swarm the streets, immobilize traffic, and threaten motorists, federal employees, and anyone the totalitarian brownshirts have a...
Facebook Knocks Out 800; Google To Be a “Good Censor”
The Big Tech companies that virtually control online American commerce and the distribution of news and information took another step toward ending free speech and the free exchange of...
Mexico’s AMLO: Trade Pact Is a Treaty; if So, Trump Can’t Sign it Without Senate’s Consent
Is the new trade pact between Canada, Mexico, and the United States an “agreement” or a treaty? ...
Teacher Who Threatened Kavanaugh Quits; Paul’s Wife Sleeping With Loaded Gun
The teacher who suggested killing U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh isn’t teaching anymore. But Kavanaugh wasn’t the only target: GOP senators have been the subject of a harassment...
New Yorker Scribe: Kavanaugh Smear Established “Pattern,” Not Truth
The author of New Yorker’s hit piece on Brett Kavanaugh admitted that she and collaborator Ronan Farrow didn’t know whether the accusations they published were true, and that her...
Heitkamp Believed Kavanaugh’s Accusers, Collins Didn’t, And His Women Clerks Haven’t Quit
Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp said Kavanaugh’s demeanor turned her off to the federal judge. Maybe, but it didn’t turn off Senator Susan Collins, or, apparently, the four women whom...
Mob Erupts in Fury Over Trump Apology; Media Misrepresents Accusations Again
As expected, the usual suspects exploded in fury because Trump declared Kavanaugh innocent of the scurrilous, uncorroborated, and ultimately refuted accusations that failed to derail his ascendency to the...
Dershowitz, ACLU Veterans: Group Betrayed Principles on Kavanaugh
Alan Dershowitz, the famed leftist civil-liberties lawyer who defended O.J. Simpson, says the American Civil Liberties Union has lost it way. ...
Threat To Kill Kavanaugh, Insane Protests, Portend Violence
If the Democrats fail to win the House of Representatives as pollsters confidently predict, more violence might well be ahead. ...
Criticisms of Kavanaugh
Donald Trump’s latest Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh, seems constitutionally strong in some areas — causing liberals alarm — but there are question marks. ...
Democrats: Avenatti Gang Rape Nonsense Blew It for Us
The ridiculous allegation that Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rapist in high school is what lost the confirmation battle for Democrats, they say, and they’re blaming Michael...
Did Kavanaugh Smear End the Coming Blue Wave?
Kavanaugh was confirmed, but what does that mean for the coming election? ...
Judiciary Panel Found No Corroborating Evidence Against Kavanaugh
The women and the attorneys who lodged explosive allegations of sex crimes against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh did little to nothing to help the Senate Judiciary Committee...
Kavanaugh Survives Cloture Vote; Confirmation Vote Tomorrow
The last-minute smear campaign to wreck the career and good name of Brett Kavanaugh has thus far failed to derail the Supreme Court nominee, and it failed again on...