About: R. Cort Kirkwood
Posts by R. Cort Kirkwood
Democrats Suffer Trump Derangement Seizure Over Sessions Departure
The ensuing Trump Derangement Seizure among Democrats after President Trump demanded Attorney General Jeff Sessions' resignation was nearly, but not quite, as entertaining as the media’s TDS. ...
Video: “Tons” of Non-citizens Are Voting
Project Veritas released yet another of its startling undercover videos, this one having poll workers telling a reporter that non-citizens can vote as long as they are registered. ...
Did Third-party Candidates Help Defeat Viable GOP Candidates?
It was a so-so night for conservatives, but perhaps an instructive one for the ideological purists who vote for Libertarians and “independents.” Those votes can mean electing a socialist...
Leftist Washington Post Repeats “No Voter Fraud” Myth
Contrary to claims by the Washington Post, voter fraud is very real, and fraudsters are ever at work. ...
“Migrant Caravan” Dwindles As Barbed Wire Goes Up
The “migrant caravan” that began in Honduras in October has finally surged into Mexico City and must reckon whether to head for Texas or California. But the caravan’s numbers...
Judiciary Report Offers Three Suspects in Kavanaugh Allegations, “No Evidence” on Justice
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has nailed the coffin shut on the rape, assault, and other allegations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a 414-page...
Liars & Rape
Feminists assert that women only lie about rape about two percent of the time — so women should be given the benefit of the doubt. However, studies put the...
“When Women Charge Rape, We Must Believe”
That was the refrain we heard when Christine Blasey Ford accused then-U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh — now an associate justice — of attempted rape. But must we...
Reports: Trump Is Making Democrats Fat — Literally
The train from Loontown has arrived. And there are some interesting passengers onboard who, some observers may argue, just might need a checkup from the neck up. ...
Grassley Seeks FBI Probe of Another Kavanaugh Rape Liar
The FBI has received yet another inquiry from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) about a ridiculous rape accusation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. ...
“Mad Maxine” Waters Vows Revenge on Lenders if Dems Take House
Mad Maxine Waters has vowed revenge against banks and insurance companies and other any other financial institution she thinks have shafted black people. ...
Did Trump Say U.S. Troops Would Shoot Migrants? Not Exactly
Trump firmly warned the migrant horde that violence by them would be responded to by the U.S. military. ...
Video: Beto’s Staff Using Campaign Money for Illegal Aliens
Beto O’Rourke, the candidate running to replace Republican Senator Ted Cruz in Texas, might want to let his campaign staffers know they can’t use the campaign bank account as...
Everyone Agrees: Brilliant Trump Ad Is Willie Horton, Part 2
Liberals and conservatives in the media got the vapors again today, this time over an ad from President Trump that nails Democrats for policies that have allowed the entry...
Don Lemon’s Anti-white Smear a Not-so-white Lie
CNN anchor Don Lemon finally exposed himself as a resolute racist last week when he suggested that America needs a “white guy ban” because a crazy lunatic murdered two...