About: R. Cort Kirkwood
Posts by R. Cort Kirkwood
Car Vandalism Another Hate Hoax, Prosecutors Say. “Hate-Crime Victim” Charged With Insurance Fraud
An impertinent question: If the United States of America is “systemically racist,” if “white supremacy” is a growing menace, if the white man just doesn’t understand how secretly racist he...
In 10 Days, Border Agents Bag Two Killers, Six Sex Criminals
It’s been a big 10 days for the Border Patrol. Agents have bagged two killers and six sex criminals, four of them child molesters, since November 10, a good...
Vatican Report on McCarrick: KGB Contacted Him. Was Top Cardinal a Soviet Agent?
The Vatican’s report on homosexual molester and former cardinal Theodore McCarrick suggests he might have been a Soviet agent. ...
At Last, Omar Campaign Cuts Ties With Her Husband’s Consultancy, But Not Before It Collected Millions
Representative Ilhan Omar has finally learned that her congressional district is not a Third World kleptocracy like the one from which she was rescued. ...
BLM Goon Who Attacked White Man Is a Convicted Sex Offender. Cops Arrest Him for Aggravated Assault
The Black Lives Matter goon who attacked a white man from behind during Saturday’s Millions MAGA march in Washington, D.C., is a convicted sex offender. ...
Biden Supposedly Won, But Media Continues Attack on Trump, Republicans
Though their candidate supposedly won the presidential election and they’ve declared him “president-elect,” the hate-Trump media haven’t let up on Trump or the Republican Party. ...
Biden Cancer Project Paid Salaries, Did Little Else. No Money Distributed To Fight Cancer
The Biden Cancer Initiative’s mission was helping cure cancer. It failed in that endeavor, sadly enough, but smashingly succeeded in another. It paid its top officers a big pile...
Biden Picks Transvestite for Transition’s DoD Review
Joe Biden, who has been declared “president-elect” by the media, is really woke about men who pretend they’re women, and women who pretend they’re men. ...
New Yorker Finally Fires Toobin. Why Didn’t the Mag Sack Him Years Ago?
You might say that hate-Trump lefitst Jeffrey Toobin’s career has climaxed. ...
Progressives Propose Radical-left Cabinet Picks, Say Dems Lost House Seats Because the Party Is Too Moderate
No sooner did the leftist media appoint Joe Biden “president-elect” than the radical Left published a list of demands not only for the presumed winner on election day, but...
Post Office Whistleblower: I Did Not Recant Vote-fraud Claim. USPS Pushed Him To Change Story
Postal worker Richard Hopkins has not recanted his claim that he overheard his supervisor order late ballots backdated so they could be counted as legitimate votes. Contrary to top...
Media Determined to Ignore Vote Fraud, Dismiss Proof Offered at News Conference
Two reporters offered a preview of the media blackout of misdeeds we’ll get for four years if Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden lands in the White House. ...
Attorney General Barr Orders Vote-fraud Probe
In a memorandum yesterday, Attorney General William Barr ordered his deputies and FBI Director Chris Wray to investigate credible allegations of vote-tampering on behalf of Democrat candidate Joe Biden....
GOP to Barr: Probe the Vote Fraud. Graham: If Dems Get Away With It, GOP Doomed
More than three dozen GOP congressmen have asked U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr to prove allegations of voter fraud in key swing states the leftist media say tipped Tuesday’s...
Taxpayers Fork Over $1 Billion for Illegal-alien Health Since Fiscal 2016.
American taxpayers have spent nearly $1.3 billion on medical and mental healthcare for illegal aliens through the last four fiscal years. ...