About: Michael Tennant
Posts by Michael Tennant
Pro-Lifers Score a Victory With Pitts Appointment
Conservatives may have lost some battles for committee chairmen in the incoming Republican-dominated House of Representatives, but they are making up for it when it comes to subcommittees. For...
Chairman Paul Gets a Relatively Warm Media Reception
The media response to the appointment of Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) to the chairmanship of the House Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee has been swift and — somewhat surprisingly —...
Bernanke’s Christmas Present: Chairman Paul
It’s official: Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be the Chairman of the House Subcommittee for Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology when the 112th Congress convenes in January. Rep. Spencer...
House Passes School Nutrition Bill That Is No Treat
Remember that clause in the Constitution that gives the federal government the authority to regulate school bake sales? Even if you don’t, Congress does. The House of Representatives just...
Ron Paul’s Big Day
Will Tuesday be Ron Paul’s big day? Robert Wenzel of EconomicPolicyJournal.com thinks so, as does Paul confidant Lew Rockwell. On December 7 the Republican leadership in the House of...
Coming Soon to a Hospital Near You
Black Friday: For some, a day of convivial bargain hunting; for others, a full-contact blood sport in pursuit of the slogan “He who dies with the most toys wins.”...
Families Grieve as Six U.S. Soldiers’ Bodies Return From Afghanistan
As the death toll among U.S. service members in Afghanistan continues to mount — 2010 is the deadliest year of the war thus far — President Barack Obama may...
Judge Dismisses Liberty University Lawsuit Against ObamaCare
You win some; you lose some. In October, a federal judge in Michigan dismissed a lawsuit challenging ObamaCare’s individual mandate, arguing that Congress has the power to impose such...
GOP Congress Hopes to Overturn ObamaCare Regulations
Because of President Barack Obama's veto power, it is very unlikely that Congress could successfully repeal ObamaCare for at least another two years. However, there are substantive things that...
Portland: Another Terrorist Plot Courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Instigation?
On Friday, November 26, Somali-born Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, parked a van loaded with what he thought was a bomb near Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland, Oregon, where the city’s...
ObamaCare to Healthcare Providers: Merge Here
In a November 20 New York Times story, Robert Pear writes: “Consumer advocates fear that the health care law could worsen some of the very problems it was meant...
Sen. Rockefeller’s Wish: TV News Censorship
It is common for aging humans to look back fondly on the imagined “good old days” of their youth. Sen. John D. (“Jay”) Rockefeller IV (D-W.V.), age 73, apparently...
British Defense Chief: 30 to 40 Years of Afghanistan Occupation Ahead
The foreign policy bait-and-switch continues. First, President Barack Obama declared the end of combat in Iraq, withdrawing some U.S. troops but leaving many others behind, possibly for decades, and...
Britain Demands Financial Services Firms Record Cell Phone Calls
On the one hand, the British government has been talking lately about restoring some of its subjects’ lost civil liberties and privacy. On the other hand, it has just...
Planned Parenthood’s Federal Funding and Republicans’ Pro-life Principles
Pro-lifers expecting the newly elected Republican Congress to do great things might want to consider this: In its fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest...