About: Michael Tennant
Posts by Michael Tennant
Minimum Wage: The Ups & Downs
Raising the minimum wage is offered as a way to help minorities and the working poor, but doing so would end up hurting those groups the most. ...
One Man’s ObamaCare “Nightmare”
A Wisconsin man found himself confused, frustrated, and tied up in red tape when he tried to buy insurance on an ObamaCare exchange, and he's still not sure his...
Medicaid Expansion: Another ObamaCare Debacle
Nearly three million people who have applied for Medicaid under ObamaCare are still waiting for their applications to be processed because of technical problems. ...
National Mortgage Database: Big Brother Is Watching You
The federal government is building a National Mortgage Database that will contain vast amounts of highly personal information on individual Americans. ...
UN Health Assembly Elevates Cuba to Presidency
The UN's World Health Organization has named Cuba's health minister, head of a disastrous and cruel socialized healthcare system, president of its decision-making body. ...
Honesty Is the Best Economic Policy
While “economics” as a science merely predicts how an economy will function if certain decisions are made, morality ought to be part of the decision-making process. ...
White House Solar Project Doesn’t Stand Up to Light of Day
The Obama administration is being very secretive about its installation of solar panels on the White House, perhaps because they're expensive and ineffective. ...
Troubled State ObamaCare Websites Mean Wasted Taxpayer Dollars
Several state ObamaCare websites, which have cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, are in trouble and may be scrapped. ...
Job Corps Wasted Millions Via Debit and Govt. Purchase Cards: Report
The Job Corps wasted $5.1 million in taxpayer dollars on questionable debit and government purchase card expenditures, including purchases for personal gain, according to an inspector general's report. ...
After Huge Website Crash, Oregon Asks Feds to Run ObamaCare Exchange
Having spent millions in a futile effort to build a working ObamaCare exchange website, Oregon is giving up and asking the federal government to run its exchange. ...
House Conservatives Seek to Depose Boehner
A group of conservative congressmen is hoping to replace John Boehner and possibly other House leaders with members who will more closely adhere to the Constitution. ...
Survey: Health Insurance Premiums Rising Sharply Under ObamaCare
Health-insurance premiums are rising at their fastest rates in three years thanks to ObamaCare, a new survey of insurance brokers finds. ...
Researchers: Noah’s Ark, With All Its Animals, Could Have Floated
A group of physics students at the University of Leicester in the U.K. has determined that Noah's Ark could easily have remained afloat with all the animals necessary to...
Obama Admin. Extends ObamaCare Enrollment Deadline
The Obama administration announced that the March 31 deadline for enrolling in coverage on the federal insurance exchange will be extended for anyone claiming to have already started the...
Drudge Says He’s Begun Paying ObamaCare Penalty; Left Goes Berserk
Internet news pioneer Matt Drudge announced that he'd begun paying his ObamaCare individual mandate penalty, drawing sharp retorts from ObamaCare supporters, including the Obama administration. ...