About: Michael Tennant
Posts by Michael Tennant
Bush, Obama, and the Nine-year “Emergency”
On September 14, 2001, President George W. Bush declared a national emergency with respect to the terrorist attacks of three days earlier. The National Emergencies Act of 1976 requires...
ObamaCare Brings Insurance Rate Hikes
Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama said that his healthcare reform plan “would bring down premiums by $2500 for the typical family.” In February of this year he urged...
North Carolina Sheriffs Seek Access to Prescription Database
Like most other government programs, the War on Drugs started out small and has grown to immense proportions. ...
U.S. Bankrolling of Afghan Security Forces
President Barack Obama set a date of July 2011 to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan. This does not, however, mean that the United States will cease pouring billions...
Combat in Iraq Continues as Plans for Long-term U.S. Presence Are Laid
On August 31 President Barack Obama announced that “the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.” ...
Shock Therapy for the Housing Market
The Obama administration, writes the New York Times, has done just about everything in its power to prop up the sagging housing market, but all of its attempts have...
Venezuela’s “Good Life Card” Comes at a Great Price
According to the Miami Herald, the Venezuelan government has introduced what socialist President Hugo Chavez is calling a “Good Life Card” to be used to purchase groceries at government-owned...
Patients: 1, Bureaucrats: 0 — For Now
Consumers have won a rare, if possibly temporary, victory for their own freedom to take a drug that has worked for them even if its effectiveness has not been...
Doctors Prescribe ObamaCare Repeal
Everyone is familiar with the routine when visiting a doctor’s office: The doctor or his assistant checks the patient’s vital signs, then discusses any symptoms the patient is experiencing...
Congress Practices Financial Prudence for Me, But Not for Thee
Members of Congress may be spendthrifts when it comes to taxpayers’ money; but when it comes to their own, they suddenly develop a sense of responsibility. ...
Groups Sue to Prevent Targeted Killing of U.S. Citizens
Does the President of the United States have the authority to order the assassination of anyone, anywhere in the world? The obvious answer, based just on the Fifth Amendment’s...
Minnesota Governor Says No to ObamaCare Subsidies
Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is putting taxpayers’ money where his mouth is. On August 31, he signed an executive order directing state agencies not to apply for any discretionary...
Michelle Obama’s Federal Fat Farm
ObamaCare makes every American’s health the government’s business, but Barack Obama is not the only member of his family interested in employing the federal government as our national nanny....
Boondoggles in Baghdad, Basra, and Beyond
Your tax dollars at work, as reported by the Associated Press: “As the U.S. draws down in Iraq, it is leaving behind hundreds of abandoned or incomplete projects. More...
ObamaCare: Counting Calories, Not Costs
You may have been aware that the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Act, better known as ObamaCare, mandates that chain restaurants with at least 20 locations display nutritional information...