About: Kurt Williamsen
Posts by Kurt Williamsen
Going to the Dogs
The following satirical piece is intended as a warning as to the danger of judicial activism and how far down the slippery slope we can proceed when the law...
Radio Broadcaster Michael Savage and Others Banned From U.K.
The United Kingdom released a list of the names of 16 people not allowed into the U.K. (apparently six more people are banned, but their names are not being...
747 Skims New York Skyline
Why would Louis Caldera, a member of the White House military office, okay a plan to have the 747 that's used as Air Force One, the president’s plane (the...
Following the Economic Lead of a Third World Country
The BBC reported on April 14 that one city in Egypt, Damietta, still has zero unemployment in these difficult economic times. That’s surprising, but what makes this even more...
Taking “Absolutely Not” for an Answer on Veterans’ Healthcare
In early March, veterans’ groups got wind of a plan by the Obama administration to charge veterans’ private health insurance companies for service-related injuries. “Currently,” according to CNN.com, “veterans’...
Obama Plans to Renew Public Education
On March 10, President Barack Obama spoke in generalities about his plan to improve the nation’s public schools. His plan can be summarized fairly easily: merit pay for teachers...
Some Trade Restrictions on Cuba to Be Lifted
The U.S. Congress has moved to lift some of the punitive economic measures the United States takes against Cuba. President Obama supports a partial lifting of the restrictions, though...
Economy Killers
“The only way to fully restore America’s economic strength is to make long-term investments that will lead to new jobs, new industries, and a renewed ability to compete with...
Assignment: Make the Constitution “Live”
"Mister Welter! Mister Welter!" Brooke Forrest yelled down the hallway of Oprah's School for Relativistic Females and All Males Who Dress or Feel Womanly, formerly known as Ms. Prim's...
Experts Warn of Oil Price Rise
Oil prices dropped from $141 per barrel to below $40, but experts say that this decline is going to end in 2009, according to 24/7 Wall Street. When oil...
Obama’s Interview with Al Arabiya
On the morning of Tuesday, January 27, President Barack Obama gave an interview with Al Arabiya, an Arab news network based out of Dubai, in an attempt to quell...
Obama Budget Needs Trimming With an Axe
Barack Obama appointed Nancy Killefer as his "chief performance officer." It will be her job to find government waste to cut. Obama hopes to cut much of an expected...
Socialism’s Success
Socialism, once abhorrent to most Americans, is increasingly being embraced by them. But is more socialism likely to reinvigorate the U.S. economy and help Americans? ...
Court Won’t Hear Obama Citizenship Case — but May Soon
On Monday, December 8, the Supreme Court unsurprisingly decided not to hear a case by retired lawyer Leo Donofrio claiming that Obama is not eligible to be president because...
Obama Citizenship Accusations Come to a Head
As we have reported earlier in our article "Barack Obama and the Citizenship Scandal," it has been alleged that Barack Obama is ineligible to become president for two reasons:...