About: John F. McManus
Posts by John F. McManus
Prosecute the Nazis, But What About Communist Criminals?
The crimes committed by the Nazi regime were real, painful, and a stain against humanity. Unfortunately, the Nazis were not the only terror regime that killed millions. Similar or...
Supreme Court Overturns Thomas Jefferson. Time to Nullify!
The Congress that has just been insulted by the Supreme Court’s arrogance in rewriting its law can pass a measure barring the Supreme Court from having anything to say...
Leftists and UN Supporters Cheer Pope’s Message
The UN’s climate change experts, who are busily preparing for the world body’s December convocation in Paris to address supposed climate change, gleefully welcomed the pontiff’s message. ...
Export-Import Bank: Let it Die!
This year may see the end of Ex-Im making new loans as it winds down existing outstanding business and soon closes its doors. No congressional action is needed. It...
Marriage Can’t Be Redefined
In simple terms, the institution known as marriage is a union between one man and one woman. Without doubt, this is what America’s Founders believed. ...
Happy 800th Birthday Magna Carta!
The Magna Carta deserves the respect it has acquired over the centuries. ...
Support Our Troops: Get US Out of the United Nations!
There are several reasons why the United States should withdraw from the United Nations. One of our top reasons relates to protecting our military forces. Why? Let’s explain. ...
Examining Candidate Bernie Sanders
There aren’t many who think Senator Bernie Sanders has a chance at the Democratic Party's nomination for president, so is there something else he wants to accomplish by throwing...
Change Baltimore by Strengthening the Family
In most of America’s inner cities, the breakdown of the family and the sound influences over the young that families supply is enormously relevant when assessing what goes wrong....
Restraining the Courts on Marriage
On April 22nd of this current year, Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) filed H. R. 1968, the “Restrain the Judges on Marriage Act of 2015.” ...
The Lynch Filibuster That Never Happened
Loretta Lynch was confirmed as the new attorney general thanks to the efforts of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and a number of go-along Republican senators. ...
No Longer Dependent on OPEC!
It behooves the United States to continue on its current path toward complete energy independence. ...
Keeping Track of Militant Islamic Groups
Here’s a brief glimpse at the leading perpetrators of carnage currently spreading murder and mayhem wherever they are able. ...
Misrepresenting The John Birch Society
A recent Convention of the States (COS) release entitled “John Birch Society Denies Its History and Betrays Its Mission” accuses the Society of reversing the stands taken by JBS...
Women Don’t Belong in Combat
Wearing a military uniform of our nation isn’t a right; it’s a privilege that should be made available only to those can be expected to perform at the highest...