John F. McManus, Author at The New American - Page 14 of 27
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About: John F. McManus

John F. McManus

John F. McManus is president emeritus of The John Birch Society

The Need for a Wall

The U.S. Constitution clearly requires the federal government to “protect each of them [the states] against invasion.” ...

Lyndon LaRouche Passes Away at 96

The movement spawned by Lyndon LaRouche has always been a curious mixture of Marxism, anti-establishmentarianism salted with distasteful rhetoric, eerie people control of followers, and dose after dose of...

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Mitt Romney Gets a Scolding From His Niece, a Republican Official “For an incoming freshman senator to attack Donald Trump as his first act feeds into what the Democrats...

ISIS and Others Still a Deadly Problem

Although President Trump has declared ISIS to be defeated, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Shabab, Taliban, and other Islamist terrorist groups remain a deadly problem — thanks in large measure to globalists...

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Veteran Tennessee Senator Announces Plan to Step Aside “I’ve had my turn. Everything comes to an end sometime, and it is good to know when that should be.” At...

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Prominent Senator Points to Crown Prince in Khashoggi Murder “Open source reports show that he [the crown prince] had been focusing on Mr. Khashoggi for a very long time....

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President Pardons Turkeys Whose Names Are Peas and Carrots “This was a fair election. Unfortunately Carrots refused to concede and demanded a recount. Even though Peas and Carrots have...

Why Is There a War on Christmas?

For many years, individuals and organizations have worked to destroy the beneficial influence of religion. One of the most notable casualties is the downgrading of Christmas. ...