Ed Hiserodt, Author at The New American - Page 3 of 4
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About: Ed Hiserodt

Cap and Trade

At 3:47 a.m. on June 26, the Rules Committee reported out the 1,100-page American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 for debate in the House of Representatives. Later...

Danish Wind Power Overblown

Two Danish experts in the field of wind energy will be in Washington for the next three days to speak on the subject of wind generated electricity. One would expect they...

Media Shocked by D.C. Tea Party Turnout

The mainstream media were predicting that a few thousand people would attend the 9/12 tea party in Washington, D.C., protesting runaway government spending, deficits, and taxation. Organizers would have...

Global Temperature Is Dropping, Not Rising

Environmental doomsayers may still be claiming that we must radically reduce carbon-dioxide and other “greenhouse” gas emissions in order to prevent catastrophic global warming, but they cling to that...

“Unequivocal Warming”

In what might be the most anticlimactic study in history, the New York Times reports that the U.S. Global Change Research Program predicts hotter temperatures, an increase in heavy...

Obama’s Energy Plan

Many factors have enabled the United States to become the wealthiest nation on Earth: limited government, secure property rights, a free-market capitalist economic system, a relatively stable currency, and...

300,000 Annual Global Warming Deaths?

Global Humanitarian Forum — an organization headed by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan — announced last Friday that climate change is responsible for 300,000 deaths per year throughout the...