About: Dave Bohon
Posts by Dave Bohon
Pro-life Leader Charmaine Yoest Named to HHS Post
Vocal pro-life leader Charmaine Yoest has been named by the Trump administration to serve as assistant secretary for public affairs in the Department of Health and Human Services. ...
Christmas Under Assault, but Faithful Fight Back
Even as atheist groups and school districts wage war against Christmas, those who cherish religious freedoms are fighting back. ...
High School Football Player Penalized After Acknowledging God
A high-school football player in Florida was given a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for pausing in the end zone to thank God after he scored his first touchdown of...
Federal Court Issues Bold Ruling for Traditional Marriage
A federal appeals court has issued a major ruling in favor of traditional marriage in four states, a decision that has given pro-family leaders hope in their ongoing battle...
Pro-life Amendment Passes in Tennessee
Despite a full-court blitz by abortion giant Planned Parenthood in the lead-up to the November 4 ballot, voters in Tennessee passed a pro-life initiative that will make it easier...
Iraq: ISIS Guns Down 50 Sunni Men, Women, Children
Members of the Islamic terrorist group ISIS lined up and systematically shot dead at least 50 Iraqi men, women, and children from a Sunni Muslim tribe in a village...
More Judges Resign in N.C. Over Order to Perform Gay Marriages
A total of six county magistrates have resigned over the past several weeks in North Carolina rather than honor a court order requiring them to perform wedding ceremonies for...
Houston Mayor Drops Effort to Access Pastors’ Sermons
Following a firestorm of backlash from across the political and cultural spectrum, Houston Mayor Anise Parker has dropped her legal efforts to force a group of area pastors to...
Report Exposes China’s Abusive “Black Jails”
A Chinese civil rights monitoring group has issued a report documenting the existence in Communist China of “black jails,” off-the-radar detention centers where potentially thousands of individuals — 80...
China Continues to Demolish Crosses, Harass Churches, Watchdog Group Reports
A group monitoring the church in China has reported that, according to Christians in the country, the communist government continues its aggressive crusade to stifle Christian worship and culture....
Federal Judge Upholds Traditional Marriage in Puerto Rico
A federal judge appointed by President Jimmy Carter has ruled against a lawsuit filed by a group of homosexuals trying to overturn laws in Puerto Rico that ban same-sex...
N.C. Judge Resigns Rather Than Perform Same-sex “Marriages”
A longtime North Carolina judge has resigned his position rather than be forced to perform same-sex marriages against his Christian convictions. ...
ISIS Crucifies Teen for Allegedly Filming Training Sites
The Islamic terrorist group ISIS, which has been indiscriminately murdering individuals in Syria and Iraq, publicly executed a seventeen-year-old boy by crucifixion after the group accused the teen of...
Irish Parents Reject Doctors’ Pressure to Abort; Baby Born Healthy
It happens more than the pro-abortion community would like to admit: Doctors advise parents that the baby the mother is carrying will be born with tragic abnormalities and should...
Idaho Ministers Face Jail for Refusing Same-sex “Marriage” Ceremonies
The city of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho is trying to force a Christian couple who run a wedding chapel in the community to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies. ...