Charles Scaliger, Author at The New American - Page 7 of 19
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About: Charles Scaliger

Libertarian Party Candidates

The Libertarian Party usually stakes out positions advocating reduced government spending and minimized moral edicts. This year’s presidential duo is doing the same. ...

Why Enumerate Powers?

Under the Constitution only those powers that are enumerated — that is, granted explicitly — are legitimate. Otherwise put, the federal government has no authority unless it is enumerated...

Be Like Me

We’ve been told for years that the Scandinavians have successful socialism, but they are suffocating their economies and people with taxes, regulations, and social conventions. ...

Is Gridlock Really a Bad Thing?

Gridlock in government has become a watchword for inefficiency. But at the time of the founding of the American republic, gridlock was known by another term: checks and balances....

Why Wyden?

Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon has contributed enormously to the advancement of nearly every modern liberal cause, from socialized medicine to same-sex “marriage.” ...

American Principles

There are probably few contemplative souls who, at one time or another, have not wondered — given the long and mostly destructive history of government — whether humanity would...

Ryan the RINO?

Is Congressman Paul Ryan a RINO — Republican in name only? Or is he instead a committed champion of the conservative agenda in his role as speaker of the...

What Is Property?

As with all other natural, God-given rights, the right of private property is indispensable to human liberty. Without property, there is no progress, and without progress, the lamp of...

What Is Freedom?

Everyone wants freedom, but what is the proper meaning of freedom? Does it consist in being able to do anything we want? Or, as some believe, is it doing...