Bruce Walker, Author at The New American - Page 35 of 39
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About: Bruce Walker

The Second Amendment in National Parks

The Second Amendment prohibits Congress from passing laws that interfere with a citizen’s right to bear arms. A recent amendment proposed by Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) to the “Protecting...

The New Frugality

Long term caution is affecting the economic decisions of millions of baby boomers. The continued growth of investment values led millions of Americans in their early 60s to indulge...

Many Latinos Favor Enforcing the Law

The controversy surrounding efforts by the State of Arizona to enforce federal laws against illegal immigration is usually presented as a conflict between those Americans who like Latinos in...

Prosecutorial Misconduct and Corrupted Justice

Prosecutorial misconduct is becoming uncomfortably familiar to Americans. The Duke Lacrosse Lynching, for example, showed how easily politicized justice or “social justice” can become injustice. As laws increasingly tend...

Newspaper Circulation Continues Decline

Newspapers are dying. That is the message from the latest Audit Bureau of Circulations, an independent firm that checks the average circulation of various print periodicals.  The average drop...

Minors and Violent Video Games

The Supreme Court has decided to hear an appeal of a Circuit Court decision in February of last year to strike down a California statute that bans the sale...

Big Brother and the Salt Fix

The Washington Post has reported that federal regulators are planning to push for the gradual reduction in the amount of salt in foods that Americans consume. This plan would...

Granting Voting Rights for D.C.

The New York Times reports that the "gun lobby" has recently offered to trade opposition to granting the District of Columbia a voting member in Congress. The Times editorial...

Greek Debt Crisis Worsens

The Socialist government of Greece has announced an austerity program that freezes pensions, cuts the salary of civil service employees, and increases taxes as a way of restoring confidence...

State Government Debt Woes Worsen

State governments across the nation are facing debt problems that seem overwhelming. California, when all the state obligations are counted, has a debt equal to 37 percent of its...

Should We Repeal the 17th Amendment?

Representative Louie Golmert of Texas has recently proposed that United States senators be elected as they once were, by the legislatures of the states. This would require a repeal...